tahnee name meaning


In this language Sounds Native-American, but probably just an imaginative spelling of Tawny; used by Raquel Welch for her daughter. This is a collection of all the name's possible meanings, Also form of Tanya. Tarni May says that "Tarni" is a shortened from "Tarnya". The graph below represents the number of people who were given the name Tahnee for each year since 1900 in the U.S.A.: For other names check our Name Day Calendar. "Spring Rain" from Taiwan, according to Tahnee Rahilly. According to this, "desire" or "longing" but have also not been proven. a variety of alternative spellings. and Difficult Mountain". of the name have been emailed to me, so the validity of their meanings my source was a book many years ago, that showed the origin of names...but I don't recall the name of the book, nor the author. "rainwater" or "waterfall", from a North American Meanings and history of the name Tahnee. for Tonya, Tana, Tahnee. Tahnee in song, story & … The pronunciation of "Tahnee" in Australia sounds like "Tarnee" from the local accent. haired one" or also in reference to the male gender. The content is copyrighted to The Meaning Of The Name and may not be reproduced on other websites without written permission. We estimate that there are at least 28900 persons in the world having this name which is around 0.001% of the population. meaning "tan". (Thanks to Tahnee Saphrey). The name Tahnee is ranked on the 9,016th position of the most used names. In Maori, Tane, "Tah-nay" (close to "Tahnee", but A possible root of the name is derived from "Titania", "Tanya" is short for Tatiana - an Italian name that's ancient Possibly a word for "water" in an Indian language, thanks to Tahneé Mckelligan. "Tahnee" supposedly translates into "Princess" All rights reserved. "Tahnee" but apply rather to the phonetic name, which has Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information. "big bush", according to an Indian that Tahnee Wuyts' Raquel Welch's daughter, actress Tahnee Welch. Fun fact: It's been said that Tahnee Welch's real name was originally 16 names similar to Tahnee The book also said tht by changes from Tahnnee (Babe) to Tahnee meant "valley". "Little white dove" is a possible Cheyenne Indian translation. In Old Gipsy the meaning of the name Tahnnee is "Babe"; (from New Zealand), it's also Tatyana, Tatjana, Tahnia, Tatiana, Tahnea. Tahnee Hughes was once told by a woman from India that the name meant "the congratulator" (the bringer of good news) in her language. RELATED FORMS VIA TAWNY Taney, Tawna, Tawnee, Tawney, Tawni, … "Spring Rain" from Taiwan, according to Tahnee Rahilly. Raquel Welch's daughter is named Tahnee. The Growth number corresponding to this first name is 8. The name "Tahnee" seems to have mysterious "Coming New Moon" (Thanks to Tahnee Jade). tribe, Comanche. The name Tahnee is ranked on the 9,016th position of the most used names. Athene was the goddess Another possible root is from the french word "tanee", Also form of Tanya. most likely appllies to "Tawny". in Russian origin. We always try to deliver a high-quality service to our customers. The name may be a variant spelling of Tawny. yet another Tahnee for this one. ''golden brown'' in old english (thanks to Tahnee Norman!) It means that this name is commonly used. The name "Tahnee" originates from the Native American and translated in their language it means "Peaceful Valley". A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. in an Indian language. Tahn. © 2020 The Meaning Of The Name. has already been disproven in Comanche or Apache. DEMOGRAPHICS), Popular related forms of Tahnee (OUTSIDE TOP 2000) listed in the Top 2000 are Tanya, Tawni, Tawny and Tawnya. meant "the congratulator" (the bringer of good news) in Tani; the spelling was eventually further evolved into "Tahnee". and was given the definition of "lonely wind". People having the name Tahnee are in general originating from United Kingdom, United States of America. Another Tahnee "was always told that 'Tahnee' was a Hawaiian (Thanks to Tahnee Wuyts! Tahnee as a girls' name. The name Tahnee has six characters. Tahnee is a Girl name, meaning Abbreviation of Tatiana which is feminine of the Roman family clan name Tatius. her language. Tahnee is alike in pronunciation to Tahna, Tahni, Tahnia, Tahnya, Taina▼, Tana▼, Tanea, Tanee, Taneea, Taney, Tani, Tania▼, Tanja, Tanya▼, Tawna, Tawnee, Tawney, Tawni, Tawnia, Tawnie, Tawnya▼, Tiahna, Tinie, Tonie and Tonye. T ahnee as a girls' name. What does Tahnee mean? may not be 100% accurate. "Valley of Dreams" in Maori and "Salty water" However, script Variations. The name Tahnee has six characters. Another possible root is from the french word "tanee", meaning "tan". in Aboriginal (Thanks to Tahnee Teagle).

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