517.4k Followers, 9 Following, 75 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Enissa Amani (@enissa_amani) Her behavior towards the German culture and the German people is asozial and respectless. 3439 osób mówi o tym. Enissa is a multilingual stand-up comic, writer and actress. See more ideas about Poofy hair, Long hair wedding styles, No eyeliner makeup. Born in Iran, she was raised by left-wing intellectual Iranian parents in Germany, where she studied Law and later pursued a … War mein 3. 806 talking about this. Enissa Amani makes her Soho Theatre debut, performing her solo show for the first time in London. Enissa Amani. german comedian, actress, producer for contact: mngmt@enissa-amani.de Instagram: enissa_amani True Iranian: Enissa Ali "Amani" is a moocher whose family threw away their passports before they arrived in Germany from Turkey (She's born in the kurdish part).The only iranian name they knew was Amani. May 21, 2015 - Explore Chris S's board "Enissa Amani [127.3]", followed by 941 people on Pinterest. Enissa Amani - profil osoby w bazie Filmweb.pl. Enissa Amani (Persian: انیسا امانی; born 8 December 1983 in Tehran, Iran) is an Iranian-German comedian and television presenter. Post auf Facebook seit ich diese Seite hatte. german comedian, actress, producer for contact: mngmt@enissa-amani.de Instagram: enissa_amani Enissa Amani: Ehrenwort 2018 TV-MA 1h 5m Stand-Up Comedy Live from Hamburg, Iranian-German comedian Enissa Amani shares her take on German engineering, … Filmografia, nagrody, biografia, wiadomości, ciekawostki. kann meinen Worten von damals nichts hinzufügen. Her comedy often focuses on the subjects of relationships, integration, and ethnicity.
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