A scene from the script of TNG: "The Dauphin" would have had the Enterprise scheduled to visit a place called Aldebaran Zeta. It contains at least 4 planets, at least 2 of which have been colonized. 5 Bizarre Paradoxes Of Time Travel Explained, 10 Interesting Facts about the Missions to Jupiter, Dwarf Planet Ceres Found to Be an Ocean World, Astronomers Verify Proxima Centauri Hosts Earth-Sized Planet, Chinese Tianwen-1 Mars Mission On Track For Its July Launch, Astronomy PhD Student Discovers 17 New Worlds. A Type K5 star only 68 light-years from Sol, named and sighted as one of the brightest in the night sky by Earth's ancients. It can only be used out of combat. An email will not be created automatically. It was one of the brightest stars in Earth's night sky. 1 Description & Stats; ... Star Trek Online Wiki is a … In terms of infrared (IR) radiation in the J-band, Aldebaran shines at magnitude -2.1, making it the fifth brightest star in this frequency, with only Betelgeuse (-2.9), Antares (-2.7), R Doradus (-2.6), and Arcturus (-2.2) being more luminous. The sector was named after the prominent star system in the sector, the Aldebaran system, and Federation member world, Aldebaran III. Memory Beta articles sourced from reference works, Memory Beta articles sourced from video games, 112 Tauri (Al Nath, Beta Tauri, Gamma Aurigae), Beta Tauri (112 Tauri, Al Nath, Gamma Aurigae), https://memory-beta.fandom.com/wiki/Aldebaran?oldid=716513, This article or subsection has an associated. Aldebaran is a subject for ancient myths in multiple cultures (Inuit, Mexican, Native American) and, in more recent times, the mythologizing of science fiction. STARSHIP USS Aldebaran Class: Nebula Affiliation: Federation Starfleet Status: destroyed (2376) The USS Aldebaran was a Nebula-class Federation starship in Starfleet service in the 24th century, named for the star system at Aldebaran. The Aldebaran colony boasts a wide range of dangerous life forms, including serpents, leeches, and shellmouths. Some sources place Aldebaran at 68 light-years from Earth. A further consequence is that the expanded bulk of the star now shines at a visual luminosity 153 times brighter than the Sun, and an absolute luminosity about 425 times brighter. Aldebaran (Alpha Tauri) is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus, and the 14th most luminous star in the entire night sky. Peter Christoforou This star's system was located near the Ficus sector. Aldebaran III Longtime Federation member planet on which Janet and Theodore Wallace performed experiments using carbohydrate compounds to slow the aging of plants. It is the brightest star in Taurus constellation and the 14th brightest star in the night sky. The Federation starships USS Aldebaran were named for this system. • Coordinates: RA: 4h 35m 55s, dec: 16°30’35” Aldebaran is known by its old Earth Bayer classification: Alpha Tauri. A reflective trail of mineral and ice debris can be seen trailing behind Alpha Tauri B as it travels along its orbit. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country, okudagram), In 2345, Michael O'Brien sent a recorded audition of his son Miles O'Brien playing the cello to the Aldebaran Music Academy. Up to 20 can be stacked together. Although it is relatively close to Earth, the Pioneer 10 space probe currently moving in the general direction of Aldebaran will only make its closest approach to the star … It has at least five planets, one of which is home to the Aldebaran Music Academy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}). This consumable will restore some of your hit points. Aldebaran, also known as Alpha Tauri, was the primary of its star system, in the Alpha Quadrant. In Ancient Greece, Aldebaran marked the southern eye of the Bull, with the star’s name derived from the Arabic word ‘Al Dabaran’, meaning the ‘Follower’, in reference to its apparent tracking motion of the Pleiades star cluster.
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