Ongoing – Trial of Benjamin Netanyahu; COVID-19 pandemic in Israel, agreement to build the longest underwater gas pipeline, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Israel–United Arab Emirates peace agreement, "Israel's Netanyahu Asks Parliament For Immunity From Corruption Charges", "Jordan gets first natural gas supplies from Israel", "Israel inks mega gas pipeline deal with Greece, Cyprus", "Offshore Leviathan gas platform commences full operations", "Ukraine pulls out of 'anti-Israeli' UN committee on Palestinians", "Israeli cyber firm Armis acquired for $1.1 billion by Insight Partners", "The survivors 'are our miracle': Full text of Rivlin's Holocaust Forum speech", "Rivlin: Nazis greatly assisted in murderous acts by European countries", "Poland, Israel condemn resurgent anti-Semitism at Auschwitz commemoration", "Rivlin to Polish counterpart: 'Many Poles' stood by, helped murder Jews in WWII", "Trump and Netanyahu tout 'win-win' peace plan as public gets first glimpse", "Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People", "Rivlin in Germany: We're grateful for German commitment to our safety", "Russian President Putin signed decree to pardon Naama Issachar", New system will fight intentional water waste by Palestinian prisoners, "OHCHR | UN rights office issues report on business activities related to settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory", "UN lists 112 firms linked to Israeli settlements", "Israel confirms first coronavirus case as cruise ship returnee diagnosed", "Israel reports first coronavirus fatality", "After 17-month stalemate, Netanyahu and Gantz strike unity deal", "Thousands protest nationwide against Netanyahu as demonstrations ratchet up", "Israel and UAE strike historic deal to normalise relations", "Bahrain establishing full diplomatic relations with Israel, Trump announces", "The peace treaties between the UAE, Bahrain and Israel are signed", "Israel passes law to limit protests during coronavirus lockdown", "Diaspora Jews Have Their Say: World Zionist Congress 2020", "Peter Wertheimer dies at 72 – playing with love", "Top Israeli arms control researcher Emily Landau dies at 59", "Former Rishon LeZion Rabbi Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron dies of coronavirus", "Former MK Gideon Patt passes away at 87", "Zeev Sternhell, dovish Israeli expert on fascism, dies at 85", "Adin Steinsaltz, groundbreaking Talmud translator, dies", "Former deputy mayor of Jerusalem Meron Benvenisti dies",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Prime Minister Netanyahu asks for parliamentary immunity from the, 7 January – Israeli firm Armis is bought for over $1 billion by, The 75th anniversary of the liberation of the, At a White House press conference, US President Donald Trump formally unveils his, President Rivlin visits Germany, meets with ordinary schoolchildren, as well as German officials including Defense Minister. DATES TBD – Pianos in Jerusalem Festival. DATES TBD – Annual Jerusalem Open House Festival at various locations all over Jerusalem. Blessed are those who mourn. © 2020 Insight for Living Ministries. News; ON STAGE in Israel. When you arrive at your destination and disembark, you suddenly realize that you are standing on the very hillside where Jesus delivered the words you learned as a child—"Blessed are the poor. Questions are welcome! 2nd International Diabesity and Metabolic Surgery Summit IDMSS, 941st International conferences on Economics and Social Sciences ICESS, 941st International conferences on Engineering and Natural Science ICENS, 825th International Conference on Food Microbiology and Food SafetyICFMFS, 938th International Conference on Innovative Engineering Technologies ICIET, 932nd International Conferences on Metallurgy Technology and Materials ICMTM, 932nd International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning IC4E, 942nd International conferences on Engineering and Natural Science ICENS, 940th International Conference on Food and Agricultural Engineering ICFAE, 826th International Conference on Food Microbiology and Food SafetyICFMFS, 939th International Conference on Innovative Engineering Technologies ICIET, 933rd International Conferences on Metallurgy Technology and Materials ICMTM, 872nd International Conference on Tourism, Transport, and Logistics ICTTL, CannX 2020 - Virtual: 5th International Medical Cannabis Conference, The International ADHD Congress ADHD 2020, 988th International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology ICABMIT, 977th IIER International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics ICAPM, 976th International Conferenceon Chemical and Biochemical EngineeringICCBE, 877th International Conference on Law and Political ScienceICLPS, 985th International Conference on Natural Science and Environment ICNSE, 903rd International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching ICPLT, 979th International Conference on Recent Advances in Medical Science ICRAMS, 984th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology ICRIET, 972nd International Conference on Science, Innovation and Management ICSIM, 984th International Conference on Social Science and Economics ICSSE, 989th International Conference on Advances in Business Management and Information Technology ICABMIT, 978th IIER International Conference on Applied Physics and Mathematics ICAPM, 977th International Conferenceon Chemical and Biochemical EngineeringICCBE, 878th International Conference on Law and Political ScienceICLPS, 986th International Conference on Natural Science and Environment ICNSE, 904th International Conference on Psychology, Language and Teaching ICPLT, 980th International Conference on Recent Advances in Medical Science ICRAMS, 985th International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering and Technology ICRIET, 973rd International Conference on Science, Innovation and Management ICSIM, 985th International Conference on Social Science and Economics ICSSE, Biennial Congress of the International Organization of Mycoplasmology, NANO IL 2021 - International Nanotechnology Conference, Jerusalem, ICC Jerusalem - International Convention Center, Israel.
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