For 3/12 current minimum trade is 1 million gold (subject to change). What are you waiting for? Mythic Maut Boss Guide READ MORE. Kill this big boy before your raid just slowly falls over from the damage. For 3/12 current minimum trade is 1 million gold (subject to change). Jump into PvP action with a blast. | Selfplay Leveling 110-120 at 24€ | 1h of 3v3 Coaching with two multi Rank 1s at 32€. Gear trading is possible too. Have it jump back and forth from Star, to Circle, and back again, just like Heroic. Get 430+ ilvl items. Players handling Unstable Void just need to go soak, like on Heroic. Everyone needs to move ASAP for Void Eruption. Mythic Ra-den Boss Guide READ MORE. You can gear up in just a few days - the higher key you complete, the higher item level you can get at the end of the week in your Weekly Chest. This is a ticking DOT, make sure they do not die to the damage, and do not go to full hp either. You can either just pre-assign a set order, or use the same weakaura the guild did on the WF Ra-den kill: If you use this Weakaura, please read the instructions and understand exactly how it works. For more information, contact our Discord support or simply book a run off the Calendar. | We released our new home page. Merry Christmas <3. LOWER THAN EVER. Bait Void Collapses same as 2nd set. 66€ per key, crazy package! Done in a few hours. Prices keep going DOWN and the quality goes UP. During Phase 2, it is important to let your health dip as low as possible before the boss casts, Taunt swaps should happen after each cast of, The boss should be tanked near the center of the room, within close range of a gateway for melee to use when targeted by. Arena 2v2-3v3 Selfplay Bars increased to 2000 and prices down by over 25%! 1 person soaks each and face towards the wall to bounce it onto the boss each time. If you follow the recommended boss positioning, the application will be slightly staggered, giving healers time to use healing cooldowns between hits. Antorus VIP runs are up! All dungeons (Heroic / Mythic / Mythic+) prices down by 20%! 5 Mask Selfplay Vision at 69€! Ranged deal with the Unstable Vita mechanic. Save money! The biggest evidence of our program’s functionalities is the fact that you do not have to change your password or unlock your account when the booster logs. | M+ at 9€, M+15 at 22€. For the next 24 hours, Mythic+10 Selfplay for 29€! However, for Orb set 2, and 3 everyone in the raid will need to swap to it. | Many Limited Time offers up | new service page for REPUTATION - best customization in the market. +15 for 39€!! Follow the boss positioning recommended in the Strategy section of this guide. This is an amazing opportunity for your End Season push! Come have a look, and keep an eye out on DISCOUNTED runs. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Pay 20% upfront, and the resting 80% only when the character is READY to be delivered. M+10 at 9€, Mythic+15 at 24€. When you log in, various details about you are shared with the game (IP, Mac Address and more). EP Heroic at 65€. It is NOT at your cost, we will refund you for the value of gold that you traded. Unleashed Vita, and Unleashed Nightmare are large bursts of damage. "PREBFA" extra 5% discount code on Preorders! On Mythic, the boss’ position in the room varies according to the orbs you want the boss to absorb. | Crucible VIP runs are up and packages with Crucible + BoD together. Mythic. Mythic+6 at 9€ for 445 ilvl (current M+ cap)! Selfplay Leveling through Freehold won't be possible next patch. Need Gladiator? If you buy a Selfplay service instead, we will get you in touch with the boosters in a group conference. No realm transfer needed. | 2k 2v2 Selfplay offer up! You should have one backup player assigned to each set, in case one of the players ends up being targeted by a different mechanic that makes them unable to complete their assignment. 465 Guaranteed item. We’ll refer to this person as Tank 2, We recommend this be your tank with better self-healing. The VPN we suggest ensures more protection and a way better customer experience with Live Status & In depth advices.
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