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The year 2018 was her life’s best moment as she starred in three movies and two television Sequence. This page will put a light upon the Luna Wedler bio, wiki, age, birthday, family details, affairs, boyfriend, controversies, rumours, lesser-known facts and more. Wedler debütierte 2015 in Niklaus Hilbers Film Amateur Teens. Luna Wedler’ hobbies are reading, photography, learning, internet surfing. As of 2020, Luna Wedler’ age is 21 years. He has won an Quartz Swiss Film Awards. This Actress made her fame on an international level; that’s the reason she got the chance to act the role of Jessica in “Dem Horizont so Nah” and in “Aquarius” as a Vera. Check out other famous celebrities who hail from. Luna got fame from her character as Mia in the lead role of the 2017 movie Blue My Mind.She stepped in the field of acting when she was 14 years old and landed a role in the movie Amateur Teens.. Wedler has also been awarded The Best Actress Award for her role as Mia in the movie “Blue My Mind” at the Swiss Film … She tells in retrospect: "This role affected me psychologically and demanded everything from me".[4][2]. This coming-of-age drama won the Audience Award at the Zurich Film Festival, the Zurich Film Award and was nominated for the Swiss Film Award 2016. Für weitere Hauptrollen wurde sie 2018 in Das schönste … Explore this: The Sleepover Actress Cree Cicchino Wiki & Biography, Luna Wedler Wiki, Boyfriend, Age, Height, Family, Net worth & Biography, The Sleepover Actress Cree Cicchino Wiki & Biography, Cree Cicchino Wiki, Age, Net worth, Height, Boyfriend, Family & Bio, Susanne Jokiel Wiki, Age, Height, Facts, Net worth & Biography, Rachel Boyd Wiki – Height, Age, Bio & Net worth [2020], Amalia Yoo Wiki – Age, Bio, Boyfriend & Height [2020], Ashley Heimbach Wiki – Bio, Height, Boyfriend & Net worth [2020]. Auch Promis greifen gern auf peinliche Anmachsprüche zurück! In August 2020, Netflix released the techno-thriller series Biohackers. Source: Luna Wedler Instagram Luna Wedler plays Mia in the Netflix series Biohackers.Mia is a talented student who attracts the attention of respected professor Lorenz. Nationality: Swiss: Occupation: Actress: Known for : Biohackers: Luna Wedler (born 26 October 1999 in Zürich) is a Swiss actress. From Saint Maud to The Wicker Man here are some British horror movies that are certain to keep you looking over your shoulder for weeks to come. … Born on , hails from , , . Biohackers (TV Series) TV Series (2020-). Roxy is drop dead gorgeous and she is cool. Most searched terms about Luna Wedler on Google and Bing are Luna Wedler marriage, Luna Wedler age, Luna Wedler wiki, Luna Wedler photos, Luna Wedler lover, Luna Wedler instagram, Luna Wedler facebook, Luna Wedler family, Luna Wedler salary, Luna Wedler height, Luna Wedler bio, Luna Wedler income, Luna Wedler house, Luna Wedler latest news, Luna Wedler tiktok, Luna Wedler musicaly. Nach eigenen Angaben bewarb sie sich im Alter von 14 Jahren „einfach mal so“ für die Rolle, entdeckte dadurch aber ihre Leidenschaft fürs Schauspiel. The Zurich Film Festival 2017 will take place from September 28 until October 8. As per the few sources, it is reported that her net worth is around $3-$4 million. Her other under production Movies are The story of My wife and Je Suis Karl. In 2020, she became the winner of the Bavarian Film Award under the category of Best Young Actress. 30+ Top Photos of Luna Wedler By . Luna Wedler’s body height is 5 feet 7¾ inches (1.72 m), and weight is around 50 kg. Luna Wedler Photos - Luna Wedler attends the 'Blue My Mind' photocall during the 13th Zurich Film Festival on October 2, 2017 in Zurich, Switzerland.

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