The live update system is primarily intended to redirect day-trippers to less full areas. The Alhambra is considered the most important testimony to Arab architecture in Europe and is a World Heritage site. Germany extended on Wednesday (April 29) its worldwide travel warning due to the coronavirus crisis to at least June 14. On May 29, hotels and other accommodation in Austria will be allowed to reopen. Taktlose oder umgangssprachliche Übersetzungen sind generell in Rot oder Orange markiert. In addition, TUI management has embarked on a program of cost cutting. Passengers and crew were tested for coronavirus before boarding, and body temperature is to be checked on a daily basis. The Himalayan country shut its borders in March just ahead of the busy spring season when hundreds of mountaineers usually flock to the country. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Bavaria's premier Markus Söder and Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter announced the decision on April 21. However, the government announced that domestic travel will soon be allowed for residents of the country. Dive deeper with our features from Europe and beyond. The company hopes an uptick in bookings in the current quarter that ends in September will stop the drain on its finances, said chief executive Fritz Joussen. Watch our 24/7 TV stream. India's most famous building was closed for six months, but since Monday ( September 21) it can be visited again, under strict restrictions. Infection rates have surged across Spain since lockdown measures were lifted in June. This should save the travel season. Germany has announced that all arrivals arriving from risk areas will have to undergo a coronavirus test upon entering the country, beginning on Saturday. Diese Beispiele können umgangssprachliche Wörter, die auf der Grundlage Ihrer Suchergebnis enthalten. Huuuge Casino combines the biggest & best Vegas and Macau have to offer - the greatest games and the most exciting players. The Alhambra Castle in Granada in southern Spain opened its doors to tourists again on June 17. An exception will be the state of Victoria, with its metropolis Melbourne, for which a lockdown has been in place since early July. The measure is in response to a sharp rise in COVID-19 infections over the past two weeks. "The situation will not relax sufficiently by mid-September to be able to lift the worldwide travel warning," she said. Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is the first federal state to reopen to tourists from all over Germany: From May 25th they can again stay in hotels, guest houses and holiday homes. Deutsche Bank confirmed on Sunday that it was closing huge parts of its trading businesses, with staff in its equities division in Sydney and Hong Kong among the first to be told their roles would go. Since June, the figures have been recovering and are at 30 to 40% of the previous year. Clogged streets, wild campers and overcrowding on hiking trails in the Alps — this brings popular regions such as Lake Tegernsee (photo) to their limits. Diese Beispiele können unhöflich Wörter auf der Grundlage Ihrer Suchergebnis enthalten. The German government has extended the travel warning for around 160 countries outside the European Union by two weeks until September 14. The province of North Holland with Amsterdam as well as South Holland with the cities of The Hague and Rotterdam are also affected. Übersetzung im Kontext von „hug me“ in Englisch-Deutsch von Reverso Context: give me a hug Thailand is to receive its first foreign vacationers when a flight from China arrives next week, marking the gradual restart of a vital tourism sector battered by coronavirus travel curbs, a senior official said on Tuesday. Starting from July 1, people from third countries with low infection rates may enter the EU again as regular travelers. The advisory applies to "third countries" — i.e. From May 25, Greece's islands were accessible again by plane and ferry for domestic tourists.
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