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Wolfgang Ambros is an Austrian singer-songwriter, most famously known for setting the then-new trend in the 1970s known now as Austropop. Ambros Singt Waits / Hoffnungslos Selbstbewusst. The Austrian singer fusing modern sounds with traditional folk. Available with an Apple Music subscription. He is most famous for his songs "Da Hofa" and "Schifoan Music. An Austrian singer/songwriter and AustroPop pioneer, Wolfgang Ambros became a folk-rock staple in his homeland both for his original tunes and his covers (the work of Bob Dylan and Tom Waits chief among them). Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite von Wolfgang Ambros. Wolfgang Ambros Backstage Teil 4 - Hinter den Kulissen am Donauinselfest 2019 - Duration: 2 minutes, 11 seconds. ‎An Austrian singer/songwriter and AustroPop pioneer, Wolfgang Ambros became a folk-rock staple in his homeland both for his original tunes and his covers (the work of Bob Dylan and Tom Waits chief among them). Copyright © 2020 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. 9,813 views; 11 months ago; 5:04. März 1952 in Wien) ist ein österreichischer Liedermacher und Rock-/Popsänger. Wolfgang Ambros. Ambros sailed into the limelight in 1971 with the breakthrough single "Da Hofer," and went…. The folk-rocker continued releasing albums and touring well into the early 2000s. Explore releases from Wolfgang Ambros at Discogs. 42K likes. A look at the genre-defining career of this Austropop innovator. 7,746 views; 11 months ago; 3:39. Ambros was perhaps best known for "Schifoan," a song that went on to become more or less synonymous with the sport of skiing in his homeland. ~ TiVo Staff. Er zählt zu den bedeutendsten österreichischen Musikern der Gegenwart und gilt als einer der Begründer des Austropops. Wolfgang Ambros - Langsam wachs ma zam - Live 2019 - Duration: 5 minutes, 4 seconds. www.wolfgangambros.at Ambros sailed into the limelight in 1971 with the breakthrough single "Da Hofer," and went on to release over 30 albums over the course of the next three decades. Hier erfahrt Ihr alle News zu Konzerten und mehr. Shop for Vinyl, CDs and more from Wolfgang Ambros at the Discogs Marketplace. Wolfgang Ambros (* 19.

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