My nephew was born with black eyes, that are now hazel.:). Donna Kristine (author) from Atlanta, GA on January 16, 2019: Hello Xxtra, thank you for reading and sharing. Grigore M, Avram A. Iris color classification scales - then and now. The world is a huge melting pot and there’s bound to be various “vegetables” in the soup mix. Your unique eye color is determined by two components: (1) pigmentation of the iris and (2) the specific way light scatters around the globe of the iris itself. Believe it or not, your eye color can be influenced by your mood. Thousands of years ago, Caucasians were ostracized from their homes, or use your imagination as to what could have happened if you had a different skin coloured baby in an entire community with only one colour. Scientists have begun to develop methods for predicting eye color using genetic tests that identify specific polymorphisms that can indicate how much melanin, pheomelanin, and eumelanin will be produced as well as the degree of pigment saturation in the iris., A baby's eye color may also reveal congenital diseases and other conditions. Donna this is a great article. Perhaps he’s responsible. While not grounded in science, it’s fun to think about, particularly if this is your eye color. References to the dark skins of the inhabitants of the islands. Mol Med Rep. 2017;15(5):3069-75. doi:10.3892/mmr.2017.6366. As a dominant trait, brown eyes can result from six different genetic combinations and can hide recessive traits of green or blue eye color. Some people get so carried away with eye color that they undergo dangerous medical procedures, like the one featured on this ABC story. You will see that some Melanesians have blonde hair and grey or green eyes. Greys and greens were in between. smoke, blue hazel eyes and green hazel) are directly impacted by a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering; a scientific term that describes how light scatters after riding along the wavelength spectrum. Eye color became lighter, which may have made it easier to see better during the cold, dark winters. Under this previous way of thinking, this meant if your father had grey eyes and your mom had brown eyes, you would probably be born with greyish colored eyes. Always able to look past their differences, people with grey eyes will also be very understanding with each others as well. The video below offers an excellent overview of eye color, including how genes factor into people having grey, blue, green or brown eyes. There was one part that really stuck out to me. Once you get to know them, grey-eyed people are some of the most gentle and caring people out there. Commonly referred to as the “Silk Route” (aka silk roads), this ancient set of paths was used by early civilizations to barter silk. Influencing pigmentation is a substance called melanin; a complex binding agent (polymer) made from tyrosine, an amino acid. As a matter of transparency, you should know that I have brown eyes. Jun 7th '13. I was born the oldiest of 6 born. Grey eyes can come in different shades, including hues of smokey blue, green and in some cases, hazel-brown. Ⓒ 2020 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved. 1 child; Donna Kristine (author) from Atlanta, GA on March 11, 2012: Hi jainismus, thanks. Thank you for the education and it's nice to see an actual Hubpages video. U.S. National Library of Medicine: Genetics Home Library. By using Verywell Health, you accept our, ePhotoAlto / Ale Ventura Collection / Brand X Pictures / Getty Images. This can be proven through DNA traces. If your eyes are grey, you are more vulnerable to our sun’s ultraviolet rays. Carleton Coon created a chart by the original Martin scale. My parents both had brown eyes. Hum Genet. Scientists once believed eye color was determined by a single gene, but advances in genetic research and genomic mapping have revealed that more than a dozen genes influence eye color., The colored part of the eye is the iris. Check out his show -->, Melanin content in eye color of people with green, amber, hazel, brown, blue, violet and gray and black eyes, How to get rid of dark circles under eyes, 7 Best Fade Creams to Rid Black & Brown Spots from Face, Blue Green Eyes: Learn About This Rare Color. GREY EYES, COLOR AND HEALTH. Some people just like the vibe, while others use dark themes, specifically because they’re supposed to reduce eye strain and save battery. Whether you see it as a unique trait or a flaw, you have to admit that you aren’t likely to see people with grey eyes standing still. Due to inter-mixing of groups, combined with millions of genetic mutations, we see various shades of grey in modern man. Suchma shows us the best makeup for grey eyes in the three beautiful illustrations below. Punnett's square. I know first hand because my Mom’s brother was born with blonde hair and blue eyes and their parents were black people with brown hair and brown eyes. The role of a recessive gene(s) were also thought to somehow influence eye color. Grace Marguerite Williams from the Greatest City In The World-New York City, New York on March 07, 2012: Excellent hub which should be required reading regarding genetics for all. Is trouble in sight for Nathan [Ryan Paevey] and Maxie [Kirsten Storms] on ‘General Hospital’?
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