This site uses functional cookies and external scripts to improve your experience. Become a patron of Heroes Profile today: Read 58 posts by Heroes Profile and get access to exclusive content and experiences on the world’s largest membership platform for artists and creators. Self-described troubadour Nate Maingard embodies the spirit of Patreon perfectly; by receiving funding from patrons, he is able to make his music, travel, and share his passion for music and community on his own terms. 85 Startup Resources You Should Know About, Free SBA Course on Writing a Business Plan, Using Your Elevator Pitch To Build Your Business Strategy, From The Trenches - Real Stories, Real Pitches, How to Get Funded by a Billionaire Investor and Other Stories. Follow the steps below to hide your memberships from visitors: Step 1: To make your memberships private, head to your My profile settings page. Every week, we share hard-hitting advice from successful creators & industry experts. If you no longer want to have a Patreon account, you can close your account and erase your data from Patreon . Don’t worry – its easy to find: Just go to Patreon and log in if you aren’t logged in already. Your choices will not impact your visit. e velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Maybe you create podcasts, or make music, or animated shorts—Patreon is a great avenue for any of this type of content. Be the first to rate this post. Patrons have access to all of her tutorial videos, as well as fun extras like “mystery gifts” for patrons that pledge $15 a month. Write your business plan with the #1 online business planning tool. The Company supports artists and content creators by letting fans fund each piece of created content. How it works. Being a patron is something to be proud of. NOTE: These settings will only apply to the browser and device you are currently using. Your content might reach enough patrons to sustain not only its continued creation, but you as an artist. What I enjoy most about Patreon is the good-hearted nature of the platform—pay people to continually produce content you love. Get the full list », To view Patreon’s complete board members history, request access », You’re viewing 5 of 34 investors. Check out Kickass Cake Tutorials on Patreon, “Clicking the shutter is the easy part; animal welfare involves many sensitive situations both physical and political.” – Peter Yuen. Entrepreneur Quiz: Do You Have What it Takes to Succeed? Everyone wins. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. Smarter Every Day offers several funding tiers, but my personal favorite? “small internet films” that he posts on YouTube, “The Lord of the Rings Mythology, Explained (Part 1),”. With your help! Check out Postmodern Jukebox Videos on Patreon, “I have many exciting video projects in the works and am excited to share them with you. Grey. You'll see a list of your current memberships. Patreon is for content creators, period. The group, fronted by Scott Bradlee, reimagines popular hit songs from today as hits of the past, such as their version of Taylor Swift’s “Shake It Off” as a Motown hit. No credit card needed. Duis aute irure dolor in, To view Patreon’s complete valuation and funding history, request access », To view Patreon’s complete cap table history, request access », You’re viewing 5 of 13 competitors. By becoming a patron, you'll instantly unlock access to 9 exclusive posts. While some creators choose to keep the default fox avatar we provide when you join, adding a photo of yourself will make it much easier for your patrons to feel more closely connected to you as a creator. You may change your settings at any time. Image via the Artisan Cake Company Facebook page.
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