The network is centered in Israel's densely populated coastal plain, from which lines radiate out in many directions. (17), Explanation about the categories in the system. Moovit, an Intel company, is the world’s leading Mobility as a Service (Maas) solutions company and maker of the #1 urban mobility app. Your response:. As someone who uses the trains I have to ay that I really like this map. I also worked to declutter some of the map by making the only line crossings be south of Tel Aviv and having the main “through lines” from Tel Aviv to Haifa be adjacent. However, the first railroad in Eretz Yisrael, was the Jaffa-Jerusalem railway, which opened on September 26, 1892. A trip along the line took 3 hours and 30 minutes. Despite the curve the map didn’t seem to work as as a radial map, so instead the coast is 1/8 of a circle and all diagonal lines on the map match the angle in the center at HaHagana (22.5*), which allowed the main bunch of lines turning inland using a nice 90* angle. In 2018, Israel Railways carried 68 million passengers. y: y . It is very useful and has the strengths of being both instantly reconizable due to the use of geographic landmarks and the use of distinct lines showing routes (I never heard that the line to Jerusalem doesn’t stop in Modaiin.) That makes this map even more note-worthy than it already is, because I find drawing in InDesign to be a right royal pain in the behind and will go out of my way to avoid it as much as possible (and I spend a lot of time in InDesign!). Moovit has an easy-to-download Israel Railways - lines and stations (HE) Map, that serves as your offline Israel map while traveling. Plan, prepared at the request of Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz, calls for establishing 11 new rail lines, according to a map that Haaretz has obtained There’s only two things I don’t really like – the traditional “railroad” ticking on the planned high-speed line (this type of ticking always makes me think of old steam trains, which is hardly what you’re after with an HSR line! However, these are very minor quibbles – I really, really like this map and it is a billion times better than the official one. If these could be staggered a little bit from each other, crossing adjacent to each other instead of on top, that might help a bit. All its lines are standard gauge. Attached is a redesign of the Israel Railways map – which was a mess when you reviewed it in 2013 and has only gotten decidedly worse since the system has expanded (most recent here). Spatially, the whole thing just makes far more sense than the scaleless official diagram. Would love to hear your thoughts! For my version, I decided to rely on the coast line as the main geographical marker and anchor to the other lines head inland, and felt that the two night lines would be a nice visual cue to the coast as well (with the added benefit of showing the transfer between the two lines). ), and the leader line pointing to Hod HaSharon-Sokolov station. Link to > Israel Train. URL. Moovit has an easy-to-download Israel Railways - lines and stations (HE) Map, that serves as your offline Israel map while traveling. Israel Railways map ©Israel Train . Almost everything in this works well, especially the frankly inspired use of the large arc to define the Mediterranean coastline and the yellow boxes to group and denote the major urban areas. Israel Railways - Lines & Stations Map Transportation: Train See Similar Items. Israel Railways Ltd., dba Israel Railways (Hebrew: רַכֶּבֶת יִשְׂרָאֵל, Rakevet Yisra'el), is the state-owned principal railway company responsible for all inter-city, commuter, and freight rail transport in Israel. Click here to view it in a full page. The Museum which presents the history of the railways in Israel, starting from the inauguration of the first line until today – recommended experience for the whole family. It’s the offline map in Israel that will take you where you need to go. ISRAEL: An ambitious strategy to double the size of the national rail network by 2040 and develop links to neighbouring countries was set out by Israel Railways at a presentation in Tel Aviv in June 8. The seas on the far right are really for fun, although future lines will go right up to the Kinneret up north and close to the Dead Sea down south, so eventually they would be more helpful geographic markers than they are now. Print: Tell a friend: Submit feedback : Reviews ; Response No. Regions: South , Jerusalem area , North , Tel-Aviv area . Wait, you did this in InDesign?! This map can be saved in your phone and it’s easy to share with friends. Still, my feeling was that they did this more out of laziness, and that it should be possible to have 3 maps, with other translations replacing the English on my version. The line was initiated by the Jewish entrepreneur Joseph Navon and built by the French at 1 m gauge. (12), Airports & Harbours Border Checkpoints The second line in what is now Israel was the Jezreel Valley …
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