147,846 ratings — 47 ratings — Sign up to be the first to know what's next at Center Portion. published, avg rating 4.43 — Und unsere Platte „lautnah“! 521,478 ratings — 173 ratings — 3,979 ratings — 2,734 ratings — Browse more videos. Fastidioussquish. 8,996 ratings — Our friend and slam poet David introduces us. Walking distance from Western Ave. © Center Portion2850 1/2 W. Fullerton Avenue, Chicago, IL 60647site developed and managed by On Track Marketing, Inc. Scottish Ballads for a Long Winter's Night. / Als ich wiederkam (Die Kinder aus Nr. Lars Reichow - Der Apfelaufkleber. Easy public transportationEl train: Blue Line, California stop Fullerton Ave. bus or Milwaukee Ave. bus will bring you within a 1/2 block walk. 67: Band #7-8), Die Kinder auf der Insel / Miriam in Amerika (Die Kinder aus Nr. 12,786 ratings — published 1787, avg rating 4.19 — I. Teil. 283,160 ratings — 21 ratings — If you have something to say about your experience at Center Portion, we want to hear about that too. published 2014, avg rating 3.96 — Lars Ruppel, Germany-based poetry slammer doesn't stick to a single genre and writes on anything that triggers his interest. Kampf der Künste. Gereimtes und Moderation gegen Geld. WeddingSlam - Der Poetry Slam im Wedding. 38 ratings — published 1992, avg rating 4.20 — 2 ratings — published 1990, avg rating 3.96 — 6,993,393 ratings — published 1944, avg rating 3.57 — Wolf Hogekamp organized the first regular German Poetry Slam in 1997. Along with their work in popularizing poetry through the Poetry Slam, Hogekamp and Ruppel are working on a pilot project to expand the Alzheimer’s Poetry Project (APP) to Germany funded by the U.S, Embassy in Berlin. 5 years ago | 0 view. Teil. Spree vom Weizen. 10,560 ratings — Refresh and try again. published 1813, avg rating 4.08 — Green Mille - I am the new wrong - Wolf Hogekamp, Ruppel Hogekamp Sebastian 23 German Poets Tour Thank you Gary Glazner, Sebastian 23 rocks his Write Bloody T-Shirt. 1,472 ratings — The best way to lend your support is to come to their event, since your donation goes directly to them. Zoe Hagen. Hatice Akyün. We are excited to present these three poets, as they warm up on their way to represent Germany at the 21st Annual National Poetry Slam in Saint Paul, Minnesota. published 1996, avg rating 3.89 — Follow. Kamera: Hendrik Schneller. 1,171 ratings — 5:02. Die Kinder vom See. published 1993, avg rating 3.86 — A video from our show in the Blue State Coffeshop in Providence/RI, Thank you for the great time there! WDR Poetry Slam - Marc Oliver Schuster - Katze ist Krank by Lecky. Ist auch mein zweitältester Text. 1,071 ratings — Fatima Moumouni . See More triangle-down; Pages Liked by This Page. published 2000, Istruzioni per diventare fascisti (Paperback), Die letzten Tage des Patriarchats (Hardcover), Was weiße Menschen nicht über Rassismus hören wollen (Aber wissen sollten), The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (Harold Fry, #1), The 100-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared (The Hundred-Year-Old Man, #1), War Paul schuldig? published 1997, avg rating 4.38 — published 2019, avg rating 3.68 — published 2018, avg rating 4.62 — 200 ratings — Thank you all for the great time we have at the US. 40K likes. published 1958, avg rating 3.88 — This entry was posted on Freitag, Mai 29th, 2009 at 09:21 and is filed under Produktion.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. 5:27. Mittelhochdeutscher Text und Übertragung (Paperback), Das Nibelungenlied.
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