amthor wiki


Amthor International The Amtor or Venus Series is a science fantasy series consisting of four novels and one novelette written by American author Edgar Rice Burroughs. Most of the stories were first serialized in Argosy, an American pulp magazine. tankers Amthor's first published work was a Star Wars parody, "Raker Wars," for the University of Virginia weekly paper The Declaration.[2]. Amtor is a verdant world shielded from the heat of the sun by a (nearly) perpetual cloud cover. [3]:144 He published his first fantasy novel, Loremaster Legacy, (set in the Shadow World environment) in 2013. [3]:142 Shadow World Player Guide: The World (2010) by Amthor was a brand-new introduction to the Shadow World, and was published by Guild Companion Publications. Thorist towns are described as dingy and ugly, with coldly utilitarian buildings, and Thorans are described as being considerably uglier than, and not as intelligent as, the Vepajans. It was collected into a trade paperback in 1999. Napier, who actually failed his own eugenics test but was spared due to his coming from Earth and the useful knowledge he had constructed Venus' first aircraft in Havatoo. Terry Kevin Amthor was born in Chicago, IL, but soon moved to Manitowoc, WI, and then at the age of six to Bethel Park, PA. In addition, as the Thorists have lost knowledge of the Vepajan anti-aging serum, they now once again age and die from disease just like humans on Earth; Vepajan doctors, who are rare in Vepaja itself, are in particular demand. Later, Dark Horse Comics obtained the rights of the Burroughs properties, and in 1995 published a 4-issue mini-series crossover, Tarzan/Carson of Venus, written by Darko Macan and illustrated by Igor Kordej. Radio is unknown (the ships are reduced to communicating by flags), and there are no native aircraft. Gretna VA In fact, Napier himself designs and builds the first based on Earth technology, which if anything, is an improvement over Earth aircraft in its use of an Amtorian RTG, which enables it to fly silently, hover, and to run almost indefinitely without refueling. Amthor wrote the first Middle-earth solo adventure book Spy in Isengard, after the line was re-licensed to George Allen & Unwin, and had to be approved by a 'Tolkien Scholar.'. The novels, part of the Sword and Planet subgenre of science fiction, follow earthman Napier's fantastic adventures after he crash-lands on Venus, called Amtor by its human-like inhabitants. Seit der Bundestagswahl 2017 ist er Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages. 1928: Amthor’s first opens its doors as Ed Amthor’s Blacksmith Shop in Ellenville, NY. . (Burroughs speculated on Element 93 being used for nuclear power, specifically, for RTGs; in reality, certain uranium and plutonium isotopes are used.) All of Skor's own subjects are zombies, although a tribe of hostile pygmies also lives in one area, and a few of Kormor's original living inhabitants also remain in the city, although they are now all elderly. Terry K. Amthor. Ironically, Napier finds the simpler Thorans more amenable to his ideas (including believing that he came from another planet) than the more sophisticated Vepajans. [18], With the ‘new’ Iron Crown Enterprises/Guild Companion, Last edited on 28 September 2020, at 17:13, "Cover photos - Terry Kevin Amthor | Facebook", "University of Virginia Library Online Exhibits | All the Hoos in Hooville: 175 Years of Life at the University of Virginia", "A Brief History of Game #8: ICE, Part One: 1980-1992 - RPGnet",,,systemversion, "Spy in Isengard - Terry Kevin Amthor | Facebook", "League of Merchants - Guild Companion Publications | Spacemaster 2nd Edition |",,,,, "Queer as a Three-Sided Die - RPGnet RPG Game Index", "Game Convention in Boras - Terry Kevin Amthor | Facebook", "Kult - Death is Only the Beginning - The Last Cycle - Kult",,, "Terry K. Amthor :: Pen & Paper RPG Database",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, University of Virginia, B.S., Architecture, This page was last edited on 28 September 2020, at 17:13.

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