garrett leight clune


Deutschlands Dieser Artikel ist derzeit leider ausverkauft. 0800 723 8899 (German freephone; English speaking). Euch viel Spaß damit. Form: Weiche Panto-Form A testament to craftsmanship and durability, GARRETT LEIGHT eyewear is composed of high-end materials and finished by hand. Share your review so everyone else can enjoy it too. Required field * Contact me by. If they don’t suit you, just send them back to us. Final sale. Perfect frame for smaller faces/high prescription! Quadpay available at checkout. Now{{indicativePriceData.formattedPriceWithoutDecimals}} >, response.text()) ... we're all ears, Available in 2 sizes: 41/21 (x-small) and 47/21 (medium) -. Garrett Leight Clune Clip On Sunglasses. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der Datenschutzerklärung. Monture de forme arrondie en acetate de cellulose couleur rose transparent, fine et minimaliste, aux courbes élégantes, avec un pont en trou de serrure. Oops! facebook Share Review by Steven on 29 Jul 2019, twitter Share Review by Steven on 29 Jul 2019, linkedin Share Review by Steven on 29 Jul 2019, ' Share Review by Thomas T. on 18 May 2020, facebook Share Review by Thomas T. on 18 May 2020, twitter Share Review by Thomas T. on 18 May 2020, linkedin Share Review by Thomas T. on 18 May 2020, Cured cellulose acetate frame with stainless steel core wire, Semi-flat mineral glass lenses with UV protection and AR coating in Semi-Flat Blue Smoke, Semi-flat mineral glass lenses with UV protection and AR coating in Semi-Flat Pure Green, Semi-flat mineral glass lenses with UV protection and AR coating in Semi-Flat Pure Rosewood, Semi-flat mineral glass lenses with UV protection and AR coating in Semi-Flat Grey Black, Semi-flat mineral glass lenses with UV protection and AR coating in Semi-Flat Pure G15, Semi-flat mineral glass lenses with UV protection and AR coating in Semi-Flat Pink Haze Mirror. Oops! Check the box above and we'll be in touch once you've placed your order. 530CHF, Copyright © 2020 Garrett Leight LLC — All Rights Reserved, Monogram, up to 11 characters (capital letters + numbers only). Absolutely stoked about these new frames. }) Clune round acetate sunglasses. >Got a question? A testament to craftsmanship and durability, GARRETT LEIGHT eyewear is composed of high-end materials and finished by hand. Please click on the link in the confirmation email we just sent you to submit your question. We are hooked on GL. $610,, Please note that we hold 90% of our stock for next day delivery however a small number of products may have a slightly longer wait time. $510 Art: Brille Garrett Leight The Clune frame is brand new to TRENDYGOLF this season from Garrett Leight. MwSt. von 11 Uhr - 20 Uhr oder via gesetzl. You will always be charged in either GBP (£), Euro (€),USD ($), AUD ($) or HKD ($) depending on your selected purchase currency. MAßE. {{else}} Please note, changing your currency will mean that the Gift Cards in your shopping bag will be removed and you will need to add a Gift Card to your shopping bag in your selected currency. The Clune frame is brand new to TRENDYGOLF this season from Garrett Leight. Swap the lenses for your prescription and indulge in a relaxing weekend read. Garrett Leight. Inspired by the mid-century, Clune is a modern take on the classic P3 silhouette, with a distinctive round shape and lightweight acetate construction. Thanks for creating my perfect pair of glasses! Farbcode/ID: MESP Beautiful design and well-crafted frames!

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