Total. Zeke speculates that Paradis Island has control over four Titans and that at least two of them were responsible for the disappearance of the 32 survey ships. [85] After the train arrives, Zeke walks with the Warrior forces into the Internment Zone. Seeing their persistence causes him to become annoyed again, opining that they can shoot smoke at him all day long, as it will not achieve anything. [70], As he continues his assault, Zeke notices a large group of soldiers led by Erwin Smith riding towards him. As Mike's horse races back to him, Zeke notices it and throws it at Mike, preventing the latter from escaping and causing him to lose his footing and fall into the mouth of one of Zeke's Titans. [134], In the unknown land, Zeke breaks away from Eren, and looks at him with horror while processing the fact that Eren had been the one to push Grisha to fight, and had shown certain memories to their father in order to manipulate him. [116] Zeke throws a barrage of stones which destroys at least some of the Marleyan airships before turning his focus towards Pieck and Magath. Zeke then proceeds to interrogate Miche, but as he neglects to respond out of shock, Zeke theorizes that they speak the same language but Miche is simply too frightened to speak. [59] Stunned to learn that Eren is his younger half brother (along with the fact that Grisha somehow managed to survive and avoid getting turned into a Titan), Zeke breaks down in anguish that evening; in addition, Zeke contemplates how Eren (despite not possessing royal blood) managed to use the powers of the Founding Titan. Thus, Zeke continued his parents' cause by operating from the shadows to secure the Eldians' freedom from Marley in his own way. Levi detonates the Thunder Spears in Zeke's nape, As he plans to have the Titans take him to the agreed upon meeting place with Eren, Zeke is stunned to see a bloodied and angered Levi appear in front of him. [108], Zeke pulls the pin and activates the Thunder Spear, Sometime later, Zeke awakens tied up on a carriage with a Thunder Spear sticking out of his abdomen. In his Titan form, Zeke is an extremely unusual specimen, having a distinct, ape-like appearance. Regardless, he summons three of the newly created Titans and bids farewell to Levi. [21] His Titan's eyes possess dark sclera and irises, making it difficult to determine where he is looking at any given moment. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. No, Levi did not kill Erwin. zeke jäger. He then leads them in an attack within Wall Rose. [48] It was subsequently discovered that through the administration of Zeke's spinal fluid into Subjects of Ymir, he would be able to trigger their transformation with a scream, and control their Titan forms afterwards, even when the moon was out. Quando combatte è solitamente a torso nudo, indossando un paio di anfibi e dei pantaloni cargo neri mentre, nei periodi di riposo, veste solitamente una felpa e de… [29], Zeke's views on the Eldians' prospects in society are extremely negative and nihilistic (possibly as a result of his childhood and lack of attention from both of his parents). [27], Zeke also seems to be a cold, ruthless and sarcastic individual, though not explicitly sadistic. During Zeke's twenty-plus years of service as a Warrior (and later captain), he was known to be particularly efficient and ruthless. Levi mocks him for this, declaring that his impending death at the hands of a Titan is too merciful for the lives he has taken. He then climbs up Wall Rose and watches the Titans surrounding the tower from a distance. He calls out to Levi and demands him to come face him again, stating that "time is running out." Para aliviar estas dudas, Zeke se recuerda a si mismo que no debe pensar en esas cosas y que debe disfrutar el momento. Ele é o filho de Grisha Jäger e Dina Jäger e o meio-irmão mais velho de Eren Jäger, além de um membro da família real. Changing the subject, Zeke requests to know when he will be able to begin experimenting with Eren's Titan abilities, but Levi claims he is not allowed to answer. After Eren manages to seal the outer gate of Shiganshina, the Warriors launch their attack. My conroversial opinion. Sin embargo, su verdadera intención es conseguir dicho poder para extinguir a la Gente de Ymir por medio de una esterilización masiva y así liberar a la humanidad del terror que representan los titanes. Si no se siguen sus órdenes, Zeke no duda en usar la fuerza bruta, como cuando hirió al titán que devoraba a Mike, o en el momento en que enfrentó a Reiner para que este y Bertolt siguieran sus órdenes. Eventually, Reiner decides to challenge Zeke to a battle with their respective Titan forms in the ruins of Shiganshina District, but Zeke swiftly and effortlessly defeats him. Recognizing the soldier as Yelena in disguise, Zeke stays silent and leads both Pieck and Galliard away. Shortly afterward, twice as many Titans begin to advance while Zeke roars at them from atop Wall Rose. [38] Over time, his parents' preoccupation with the Eldian Restorationists led them growing continuously distant with Zeke, with Grisha in particular showing very little investment in his son's life outside of his studies and performance as a Warrior candidate. As a teenager, he expressed his belief that it would have been better for the Subjects of Ymir to never have been born. Assemble your dream cast! The proportions of its upper body are similar to those of the Colossal Titan, possessing a massive torso and small head, as well as disproportionately long and slim arms. [133], An emotional Grisha embraces Zeke, apologizing for not being there for him as a child, Outside of the chapel, Grisha, faintly aware of Zeke's presence, despairingly reveals to him that the future will not go his way but Eren's. If his orders are not followed, he does not hesitate to use brute force.
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