Erwin orders that all soldiers switch to vertical maneuvering equipment and rush the main gate, covered by their hoods to distract any watching enemies. [17] At roughly the same time, Eren uses his newly granted powers of the War Hammer Titan to tunnel his way out of his cell and seals his escape route so he could not be followed. Annie asks Mikasa if she will kill Eren to save humanity and Mikasa claims that she will not. Mikasa realizes that since she has the only Thunder Spear left and Reiner's jaw has not been completely unhinged, she cannot proceed with the plan to blow Reiner's body out of his nape by sending a Thunder Spear into his mouth. Mikasa notices Annie watching Armin and reminds her that he will be going with them to find Eren, but Annie does not change her mind. [75] She is also forced to watch helplessly as Eren is assaulted and humiliated by Levi. Mikasa ignores the girl, and departs for the battle field; before leaving, she folds up the scarf given to her by Eren and leaves it behind. [237], The next morning, Mikasa finds Louise in the infirmary wearing her missing scarf. When Floch approaches her, she flips her blade in order to strike him with the blunt side of the sword and knock him down, only to be stopped by Hange Zoë. [189], An alliance is formed between Paradis and the group of rebels, calling themselves the Anti-Marleyan Volunteers, and preparations and training begin for the impending war with Marley. From her position, Mikasa and her comrades are able to observe as Reiner reveals himself to be hiding inside the Wall, and the Beast Titan and his army materialize to engage the Survey Corps. At a meeting between the two parties, Kiyomi displays the crest of the Azumabito clan and Mikasa is shaken to see it is the same as the tattoo on her wrist. Mikasa ventures out on horseback, beyond the Walls for the first time. [187], The Survey Corps dismount their horses, discard their boots, and head to the beachfront. She does not comment as the rest of the squad laments or endorse the actions they have taken up until this point, including beginning a coup against the government. She realizes that it means a Titan has transformed and worries over Eren. His pursuers are outfitted with specialized vertical maneuvering equipment designed to allow the firing of guns. When Bertolt chooses not to transform in order to check on Reiner, Armin attempts to negotiate with him. [95], Following the supposed breach of Wall Rose, Mikasa, Eren and the other members of the Survey Corps come to rescue Reiner and the others from the other Titans. Mikasa stammers at first but then replies that he is family. [142] The squad arrives in time for Mikasa to catch Historia, who had been flung back against the Wall from the force of Rod Reiss' transformation into a Titan. But no sooner does the chapter dangle an Eren-Mikasa reconciliation in front of readers, it throws an Historia spanner into the works. Mikasa is left dumbfounded when Yelena calls her attention to the fact that Kiyomi's physical features strongly resemble her late mother's, explaining that the similarities are due to the fact that Kiyomi's family are relatives of her mother's. Later at the military HQ, a group of Yeagerists gather to witness the execution of Onyankopon and Yelena, who refuse to side with the Empire. [184] Mikasa then continues being quiet, until the conclusion of the meeting, with the decision made to release all discoveries made by the Survey Corps to the public.[185]. [108] Mikasa asks them to give Eren back, but her request is rebuffed as he claims it has to be done. The source material itself has long played this relationship as tragically one-sided, to the point that the Season 2 finale of the anime had Eren somehow miss Mikasa's painfully obvious attempt at a pre-certain-death kiss. [36][37] Mikasa and Eren run back to their home to find it crushed and their mother trapped under the debris. [149], While the soldiers eat and celebrate the success of the Executioner from Hell fashioned by Hange, Mikasa remains silent throughout most of the conversation until Eren begins to remember the day he ate his father. As Eren's Titans arrive in Odiha, the group is forced to depart without Hange, who stays behind to buy them time to escape. [121] Eren remains unconscious for a full day before waking. Although Armin is unsure of Eren's intentions, he assures Mikasa that Eren was lying about her Ackerman genes, and simply used his knowledge of her headaches to give his lie credence. [25] She had openly wept tears of relief at his safety and developed vengeful grudges towards those who harm him, from enemies to her own superiors. After Armin returns to his human form, Mikasa, along with Eren, pick him up off the ground as she cries tears of joy to see he is alive and well. [144], Mikasa joins the rest of her squad in meeting up with Erwin and pulling back to Orvud District where they make preparations to fight the gargantuan Titan that used to be Rod Reiss. Thank you for your contribution in flattening the curve. Eren apologizes to Mikasa while she lies injured on a stretcher. Attack on Titanâs artistic merits are many, including out-of-this-world animation and the fact that the creator was inspired by Francisco Goyaâs paintings. As Niccolo pays his respects to Sasha, Mikasa informs him of how she died. [97] While Eren transforms, and engages in battle with Reiner, Mikasa faces her own troubles and regrets for not cutting off both his and Bertolt's heads when she had the chance. [134], However, Marlowe and Hitch do not take their capture quietly. She asks Armin if he believes there is any possible way for them to fight back, but he sees none. He just needs to vent. Mikasa insists that Eren is still alive and Levi agrees to help rescue him. [253][254], Being an Ackerman, Mikasa has "awakened" a dormant power within her earlier in her life when her parents were murdered and she was going to be kidnapped until Eren saved her. Mikasa lowers her scarf and begins eating. [96] After they reach the top of the Wall, Mikasa is outraged when she overhears Reiner confessing that he and Bertolt were the Titans responsible for the attack on Wall Maria and wanted Eren to join them. She calls Reiner and Bertolt a "plague upon humanity" and advises the others not to show mercy.
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