The video, titled, “Wide Putin Walking,” has since received over 25,000 views, 1,900 likes and 197 comments. Various variations of the meme were also uploaded to YouTube, including one such example from YouTuber[4] astro who posted “thicc putin be walking” on May 29th, 2020. Note that Android and other mobile Add Caption. Soon after the distorted version was uploaded to Youtube, the IT'S HIM[3] Discord server was created by user i5kilo to spread the meme to other communities. send feedback! MEMES DOG Another stretched version was uploaded on May 27th, 2020 by YouTube[2] user FlobySop64 (shown below). Can I just buy one month? The Meme Generator is a flexible tool for many purposes. You can move and resize the text boxes by dragging them around. Add Caption. Aug 13, 2020 at 08:01AM EDT if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { Press of your gif are both larger than 200px, since Facebook tends to not animate small gifs. On June 2nd, 2020, YouTube[5] user SadWoman uploaded another variant with the title, “YOOO ITS HIM,” receiving over 42,000 views, 3,200 likes and 380 comments (shown below, right). Framerate (FPS) is also very important By uploading custom images and using Wide Putin Walking, also known as IT'S HIM, is a viral video of Russian President Vladimir Putin walking down a hallway, stretched and set to Piano Fantasia’s “Song For Denise” (Maxi version). Default background color for frames containing transparency. Potentially higher quality, but larger filesize. YouTuber[8] Memetastic then uploaded a meme variant of the clip to their channel on June 7th, 2020, with the caption, “Redditors on their way to hate on a kid for not liking Minecraft.” The video (seen below) received over 41,000 views, 4,300 likes and 681 comments. Good Guy Putin. number of times to play the gif - 0 means loop forever, Sound Search the Imgflip meme database for popular memes and blank meme templates. Check out, Access to the biggest meme template database on the interwebz, Ability to remove "" watermark from memes you create, Disable all advertisements on (yay faster pageloads!). Enabled & Autoplay (viewer will hear sound immediately), Filesize optimization Electric Dictator Bedebao. by User Templates. Legal Information: Know Your Meme ® is a trademark of Literally Media Ltd. By using this site, you are agreeing by the site's terms of use and privacy policy and DMCA policy. Easily add text to images or memes. You can create "meme chains" of multiple images stacked vertically by adding new images with the Add Caption. This original version also features the track “Song For Denise” (Maxi) used in the later versions. var _g1; Top July Top … Yes! If you're on a mobile device, Digital Archaeologist & Curator & Collection Butler. You can further customize the font in the More Options section, and also add additional text boxes. even show up on tiny GIFs. by 'v' Most commonly, people use the generator to add text captions to established memes, wmv, 3gp, asf, swf, ogg, h264, rm. Trump Putin … Play the Wide Putin meme sound effect button and many more on soundboard guys Twitter[10] user itzutopiastyles replied to a tweet by KEEMSTAR with the meme on June 10th, 2020, where it received over 15,800 views and 358 likes (shown below). Basic (safer for frame extraction). if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { To enable, you'll need to be using an Video to GIF. Wide putin Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. so technically it's more of a meme "captioner" than a meme maker. Check out Imgflip Pro! fun. The Imgflip watermark helps other people find where the meme was created, so they can make memes too! Vladimir Putin. Create. Press Wide Putin Walk, also known as IT'S HIM, is a viral video of Russian President Vladimir Putin walking down a hallway, stretched and set to Song For Denise. Wide Putin Walking, also known as IT'S HIM, is a viral video of Russian President Vladimir Putin walking down a hallway, stretched and set to Piano Fantasia’s “Song For Denise” (Maxi version). Popular. Wide Putin Walk, also known as IT'S HIM, is a viral video of Russian President Vladimir Putin walking down a hallway, stretched and set to Song For Denise. 'r' Play Count Make GIFs from pictures or other images, just click the Images-to-GIF tab. Just make sure that you are logged into an Imgflip account, and all GIFs you create will be saved. Debate Inspires Memes, Causes Headaches, 'Genshin Impact' Excites Fans With Free-to-play, 'Breath of the Wild'-like Open World, Laptop Cat Is The Wholesome TikTok Trend We All Need Right Now, This Day In Meme History: 'Africa' By Toto. Ability to remove "" watermark from all images you create, Disable all advertisements on (yay faster pageloads! Your account will remain Pro until the subscription period has ended. fun politics gaming repost cats sports reactiongifs more streams › Hot New. _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Various variations of the meme were also uploaded to YouTube, including one such example from YouTuber[4] astro who posted “thicc putin be walking” on May 29th, 2020. You can make high quality animated GIF images online for free, with simple and powerful customization options. Imgflip Pro account, because our server costs are higher when using audio. Meme Search. Wide putin Animated GIF Maker Make animated GIFs from video files, Youtube, video websites, images, pictures.
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