He is appointed under a contract entered into by the results of the competition. As the capital of Bashkortostan, it is home to a substantial number of ethnic Tatars and Bashkirs. Achmat Grosny | Das Team aus Ufa startete in der drittklassigen 2. Ufa International Airport. Infolgedessen musste der FK Ufa in der Saison 2014/15 auf das kleinere Dynamo-Stadion ausweichen. Der Verein ersetzte den in finanzielle Schwierigkeiten geratenen Dynamo Brjansk und nahm somit am Spielbetrieb der zweithöchsten russischen Liga teil. Dezember 2010 gegründet. Информационно-вычислительный центр ОАСУ РПО. [23], The official of the Orenburg Governorate government Vasily Rebelensky wrote that Ufa was founded by the Bashkirs. [1] As an administrative division, it is, together with twenty-four rural localities, incorporated separately as the city of republic significance of Ufa, an administrative unit with status equal to that of the districts. — М., 2000. FK Tambow | Chairman of the Board – the head of the urban okrug. Ufa (rusky Уфа, adjektivum: уфимский (ufimskij); baškirsky Өфө) je město v Ruské federaci, správní středisko autonomní republiky Baškortostán a jedno z nejdůležitějších center chemického průmyslu v Rusku. «Mercator and Hondius (loth Ed., 1630) and N. Sanson (1650) show Jorman on the south of the Kama R.. Псянчин А. В. Башкортостан на старых картах. The term of office of the Head of the Administration is limited to the period of office of the Council of the convocation. Вступил в силу 29 декабря 2005 г. Опубликован: "Вечерняя Уфа", №248 (10396), 28 декабря 2005 г. Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, framework of the administrative divisions, http://www.meteorb.ru/monitorinu/air-pollution-ufa, http://www.meteorb.ru/monitoring/air-pollution-ufa, Cathedral of the Nativity of the Theotokos, The Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia, List of twin towns and sister cities in Russia, "Всероссийская перепись населения 2010 года. [28], Ufa is the capital of the republic[10] and, within the framework of the administrative divisions, it also serves as the administrative center of Ufimsky District,[11] even though it is not a part of it. Жители Уфы пожаловались на зловонный химзапах, взяты пробы. (. 450000–450010, 450013–450015, 450017–450019, 450022, 450024, 450026–450030, 450032–450035, 450037–450040, 450043–450045, 450047, 450049–450059, 450061–450065, 450068, 450069, 450071, 450073–450081, 450083, 450091–450093, 450095–450101, 450103–450106, 450880, 450890, 450911–450948, 450951–450966, 450971–450979, 450981–450986, 450989–450999, 901139, 901229, 992200, Государственный комитет Российской Федерации по статистике. info)) is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Russia, and is considered to be the industrial, economic, scientific and cultural center of the republic. Труды ГИМ. «О внесении изменений в Устав городского округа город Уфа Республики Башкортостан». French orientalist Henri Cordier associates the position of Pascherti with the current location of Ufa. №ОК 019-95 1 января 1997 г. Уфимцы из разных районов города жаловались на клубы пыли и запах серы. Ufa is a place of location of The Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Russia [ru]. Lokomotive Moskau | Kaupungissa on runsaat miljoona asukasta. Council, a representative body. С. Rotor Wolgograd, Zuletzt bearbeitet am 1. Der Verein wurde am 23. 44-—48; Мажитов Н. А., Сунгатов Ф. А., Иванов В. А., Сатаров Т. Р., Султанова А. Н., Иванова Е. В. Городище Уфа II. Many urban enterprises engaged in oil refining, chemistry, and mechanical engineering reside in Ufa. Вып. С 70, 71, Он же. Оренбург, 1896. [7] Durch den sechsten Tabellenrang 2018 hat der Klub erstmals an der Qualifikationsphase in der UEFA Europa League 2018/19 teilgenommen, weil der russische Pokalsieger FK Tosno aufgrund finanzieller Schwierigkeiten (wie unter anderem Schulden) keine Lizenz für die UEFA Europa League erhielt. Division, der zur Teilnahme an den Relegationsspielen gegen Tom Tomsk berechtigte. [citation needed], The Belaya River Waterway (1870) and the Samara-Zlatoust Railroad (1890) connected the city to the European part of the Russian Empire and stimulated development of the city's light industry. [7], Ufa has a warm summer continental climate (Köppen: Dfb). Zenit St. Petersburg | Рычков П. И. История Оренбургская (1730—1750 гг.). Der Verein trägt seine Heimspiele im früher 10.200 Zuschauer fassenden Neftjanik-Stadion aus, das im Jahre 1967 eröffnet wurde. Ufa hosted separate summits of the BRICS group as well as the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation in the same year, 2015. — Рис. Решения №41/2 от 28 января 2015 г. 2008. https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=FK_Ufa&oldid=204152516, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. It is characterised by harsh winters but in some cases summers can be quite hot.[39].
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