Welcome to NHL.com, the official site of the National Hockey League, Bienvenue à LNH.com , le site officiel de la Ligue nationale de hockey, Добро пожаловать на NHL.com, официальный сайт Национальной хоккейной лиги, Tervetuloa NHL:n viralliselle nettisivustolle NHL.comiin, Välkommen till NHL.com, NHL:s officiella web-sida, Vítejte na NHL.com, oficiálních stránkách National Hockey League, Vitajte na NHL.com, oficiálnych stránkach National Hockey League, Willkommen auf NHL.com, der offiziellen Seite der National Hockey League, Bienvenido a NHL.com, el sitio oficial de la National Hockey League. Lees hier meer over in onze privacy statement en ga akkoord met het plaatsen van de cookies of pas uw voorkeuren aan. "We will continue to monitor all the appropriate medical advice, and we will encourage our players and other members of the NHL community to take all reasonable precautions -- including by self-quarantine, where appropriate. Café de Kantelaar . BOCA RATON, Fla. -- The NHL is monitoring the coronavirus and making contingency plans while continuing to play the regular season and prepare for the 2020 Stanley … International students who are not yet able to travel because of, for instance, travel restrictions will be able to start their learning online with a view to arriving in the Netherlands as soon as they can. Om u goede websites en apps te bieden - waarbij nieuws, informatie en advertenties op uw voorkeuren zijn afgestemd en u inhoud kunt delen via social media - maken de websites en apps van NDC mediagroep en haar dochterondernemingen gebruik van cookies en persoonlijke gegevens. WhatsApp: 06 13579931 All Rights Reserved. The San Jose Sharks, responding to a similar ban in Santa Clara County in California, were planning to play their remaining home games this month without fans at SAP Center. All NHL team jerseys customized with NHL players' names and numbers are officially licensed by the NHL and the NHLPA. 8900 CB Leeuwarden Entdecke die Welt an der NHL Stenden. Students and staff should not stay on campus any longer than is strictly necessary or go from place to place unless absolutely necessary. "The League is going to have the best interest of the players and the fans and everyone involved in making this league what it is," Wheeler said. We have to stay alert.” In the past few days, there have been a few cases of coronavirus confirmed amongst NHL Stenden students. About NHL Stenden; Explore the unkown; Contact; Campus sites; Login; Home / News / Corona update – 29 September 2020 . P.O. Welcome to NHL Stenden. HAN University of Applied Sciences /Hogeschool … The guidelines set by the RIVM regarding staying at home apply if a student or member of staff show symptoms or if a member of their household has arranged to get tested for COVID-19. Daarom gaan wij en onze partners zorgvuldig met deze gegevens om en selecteren we onze partners met zorg. The StudyStartWeek of September 2020 was, though very unusual because of the Covid measures, enormously enjoyable. Major League Soccer announced it is suspending its season for 30 days. Below is an overview of how the new measures will affect teaching on our campuses: Rengerslaan 8-10 The NHL has 189 games remaining. We are happy that these extra measures, that will be in effect for the coming three weeks, still allow for face-to-face teaching, but we continue to stress how it important it is that everyone keeps to the regulations - on campus and in your personal environments. The regular season was scheduled to end April 4, with the Stanley Cup Playoffs starting the week of April 6. On our campuses, everyone must continue to stay 1.5 metres away from each other and adhere to the other regulations set by the Dutch government. The Netherlands NHL Hogeschool. Corona. As of December we will inform you about everything you need to know for a successful study start! The NHL has updated its Privacy Policy effective January 16, 2020. Major League Baseball suspended spring training games and delayed the start of its regular season, scheduled for March 26, by at least two weeks. All NHL logos and marks and NHL team logos and marks depicted herein are the property of the NHL and the respective teams and may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of NHL Enterprises, L.P. © NHL 2019. On Monday 28 September, the Dutch Cabinet announced the implementation of additional corona measures. NHL Stenden has access to the content of the last 10 years. Uw privacy is belangrijk voor NDC mediagroep.
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