He attempts to cut some people from the tree, but has no success as another branch simply forms and imprisons them again. As Hokage, Minato prepared for threats facing Konoha by placing a network of marked locations around the village's outskirts for him to teleport to, including at least two safe houses and likewise passed on his space–time ninjutsu onto the Hokage Guard Platoon. Main article: Road to Ninja: Naruto the Movie During the gradual transfer of responsibilities from the Third Hokage to him, the Third advised Minato to restore Kakashi's value of life by tasking him with protecting Kushina during her pregnancy. [64][65] Minato's reflexes allowed him to react to and avoid techniques with no warning, such as Kamui and Lightning Straight. The haori was decorated by red flame-like motifs on the edges, with the kanji for "Fourth Hokage" (四代目火影, Yondaime Hokage) written vertically down the back. Main article: Naruto Shippūden the Movie: The Lost Tower. Meanwhile, Kushina told Naruto how much his parents loved him, which Minato seconded. Birth Sign Virgo. [61], Minato was hailed as the fastest shinobi of his time. After the end of the Fourth Shinobi World War, his student, Kakashi Hatake, became the Sixth Hokage, and his son, Naruto, became the Seventh Hokage. Tags 1991 7 Frankfurt Germany Namika Rapper September September 7 Virgo, Japanese singer, actor, and author that has written more than 20 books and is well …. In the alternate world, Minato never became Hokage and therefore he and Kushina did not die on the night of their son, Menma's, birth. Joyeux Noël à vous tous ! [56] Although his normal tactics with kunai did not require precision, Minato nevertheless had excellent aim and could coordinate his throws' timing and placement to allow him to perform complex manoeuvrers. Birthday September Sep 7, 1991 . [11] On their way back to Konoha, Minato confessed his admiration for her hair and her strength,[12] causing Kushina – who had previously believed Minato "unreliable" and even "girly"[13] – to fall in love with him. [36] His normal attire consisted of a standard Konoha uniform with two bands on both of his sleeves, a green flak jacket, blue forehead protector, and blue sandals. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [32] If anything, Minato blames himself for his death for several reasons; he couldn't save Obito from the fate that corrupted him, Konoha from the difficulties that arose after he was gone,[33] and even his own son Naruto from the painful and difficult life he suffered as a jinchūriki orphan. The track was produced by the German producer team Beatgees, who has also produced for Lena, Curse, and Ann Sophie. Several years after the war, Minato had two grandchildren. [25], Minato returned to the village in the early stages of the Nine-Tails' attack on Konoha, arriving in time to teleport away a Tailed Beast Ball before it destroyed the Hokage Rock. Tim Bendzko, Nur noch kurz die Welt retten, Xavier Naidoo, Ich kenne nichts (das so schön ist wie du), 4e bil, 3e bil: Pour bien commencer l’année (2), 4e bil, 3e bil: Pour bien commencer l’année (1), Fröhliche Weihnacht überall, Junge Dichter und Denker, Philipp Poisel, Als gäb’s kein Morgen mehr, 25ème anniversaire de la chute du Mur de Berlin, 5e bil, 4e bil, 3e bil: les anniversaires, 4e bil, 3e bil, 3e LV2: Unsere StraBe- Goethe-Institut, 24ème anniversaire de la chute du mur de Berlin, Découvrir la musique allemande d’aujourd’hui, 5e bil, 4e bil, 3e bil: les verbes de modalité, Métiers 360, la découverte des métiers en réalité virtuelle, Doc-Plus, Partage de documents avec vos élèves. Happy with his son's prospects for the future, Minato and the other Kage are returned to the afterlife by the Sage of Six Paths with Minato silently promising to tell Kushina everything that had occurred. [23], As a jinchūriki, the strain of childbirth would weaken the seal keeping the Nine-Tails sealed into Kushina. This is shown when he summons using his left hand, meaning he signed the contract with his left hand, but has been shown to use wield his Kunai as well as the Rasengan interchangeably with no signs of preference on which hand to use.
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