(South Azerbaijani), brezhoneg In Monsanto’s view, all foods must be under their full control and genetically modified or they are not safe to eat! (makedona), Bahasa Melayu (6) Read labels closely and do not buy anything that contains this horrific killer! Coke leads the way once again (remember saccharin?) The following year, the diabolical company begins producing GMO crops that are tolerant to their toxic herbicide Roundup. (finna), العربية "Elliott" legt Milliardenbeteiligung an Bayer offen. (germana), français Monsanto-Kritik: Was sagt Bayer zu den Vorwürfen? This gave the company a virtual monopoly as terminator seed crops and Roundup worked hand in glove with each other as GMO crops could not survive in a non-chemical environment so farmers were forced to buy both. La 25-an de januaro 2005 aĉetis ekz. And Monsanto made sure farmers who refused to come into the fold were driven out of business or sued when windblown terminator seeds poisoned organic farms. Even though PCBs were eventually banned after fifty years for causing such devastation, it is still present in just about all animal and human blood and tissue cells across the globe. The National Soft Drink Association (NSDA) is initially in an uproar, fearing future lawsuits from consumers permanently injured or killed by drinking the poison. There comes a tipping point though when a corporation becomes too evil and the world pushes back…hard! Their “House of the Future” is constructed entirely of toxic plastic that is not biodegradable as they had asserted. Diseases triggered/mimmicked include diabetes, MS, lupus, epilepsy, Parkinson’s, tumours, miscarriage, infertility, fibromyalgia, infant death, Alzheimer’s… Source : U.S. Food & Drug Administration.(5). So good that Monsanto is sued for giving radioactive iron to 829 pregnant women for a study to see what would happen to them. There is a very dark side agenda to this and that is to wipe out the world’s bee population. When multitudes of independent scientists and researchers continue to warn about aspartame’s toxic effects, Monsanto goes on the offensive, bribing the National Cancer Institute and providing their own fraudulent papers to get the NCI to claim that formaldehyde does not cause cancer so that aspartame can stay on the market. 1940s: They begin research on uranium to be used for the Manhattan Project’s first atomic bomb, which would later be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing hundreds of thousands of Japanese, Korean and US Military servicemen and poisoning millions more. Monsanto partners with I.G. Glyphosat ist das weltweit meistversprühte Herbizid. During the mid-90s, they decide to reinvent their evil company as one focused on controlling the world’s food supply through artificial, biotechnology means to preserve the Roundup cash-cow from losing market-share in the face of competing, less-toxic herbicides. Why, of course 6-6-6! Satisfied, the bought and paid for courts side with Monsanto and throws the case out. Where do we go from here? 63 Milliarden Dollar hat der Pharma- und Agrochemiekonzern Bayer für den US-Konzern Monsanto gezahlt - die teuerste Übernahme, die sich ein deutscher Konzern je geleistet hat. (portugala), 中文 (tamila), ไทย (bretona), Cymraeg Monsanto-Bayer is relentlessly pushing the Worldwide adoption of glyphosate, which is carcinogenic. Even then, the government knew saccharin was poisonous and sued to stop its manufacture but lost in court, thus opening the Monsanto Pandora’s Box to begin poisoning the world through the soft drink. Diese Pflanzen werden dann einfach mit einem Patent belegt und werden verkauft. The world has begun to awaken to the fact that the corporate monster does not want control over the global production of food simply for profit’s sake. Fish and animals by the thousands die within days of spraying as respiratory ailments and cancer deaths in humans spike tremendously. Nun sind neue Fälle aufgetaucht. Everything’s just dandy!” Again, I did not make this up, but wish I had! The monster often perseveres and proves difficult to slay as it begins filing frivolous suits against farmers it claims infringe on their terminator seed patents. www.globalresearch.ca contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Statt zwei Milliarden Dollar muss der Konzern nur knapp 90 Millionen zahlen. Monsanto knows that birds and especially bees, throw a wrench into their monopoly due to their ability to pollinate plants, thus naturally creating foods outside of the company’s “full domination control agenda.” When bees attempt to pollinate a GM plant or flower, it gets poisoned and dies.
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