monsanto history


1933: Monsanto Chemical Co. is incorporated on April 19th. Melcher, Richard A. Internal Monsanto memos show that Monsanto knew of the problems of dioxin contamination of Agent Orange when it sold it to the U.S. government for use in Vietnam. “Who’s News: Calgene CEO Quits as Monsanto Co. Acquires Control.” The Wall Street Journal. “Monsanto Co. & Dekalb Genetics Will Collaborate on Agbio Research.” Genetic Engineering News, 15 Feb., 1996: 13. 1997 Feb. 04: In his State of the Union address, President Clinton names Monsanto as one of five companies he has enlisted to kick off a national effort to create jobs for former welfare recipients. What impresses me isn’t so much the total domination of ag biotech, but the political muscle this company has. This concentration of corporate power drives up costs for farmers and consumers. Increased product safety and faster absorption by weeds are the main enhancements. As a ’49 Monsanto baby born at E St Louis Municipal Hospital I know a lot about the company, but even I had no idea how disorganized it’ s development was with no clear purpose except profit and dominance. 1986: Sales of IUDs are discontinued in the U.S., but questions as to Monsanto’s management of the Searle acquisition continue on. Then in 2002 the Washington Post ran an article entitled, “Monsanto Hid Decades Of Pollution, PCBs Drenched Ala. Town, But No One Was Ever Told”. Now that we have hard evidence of food illnesses in living things that can be correlated to GE products and the methods used to produce them – there is concern in the public like never before. But by the time that the Anniston pollution case came to court, Monsanto had already managed to hive off the old core of its business into a new company called Solutia. 1928: John Queeny learns that he has an incurable form of cancer. Everybody associated with it runs the world somehow: Jack Danforth, Clarence Thomas, Hillary Clinton, Roger Beachy, etc. 1985 August. 1915: The company exceeds $1 million in sales. Oh to be on the inside of this behemoth, instead of one of the 99.99% outside, looking in. Monsanto's biotech seeds and traits (including those licensed to other companies) accounted for almost 90% of the total world area devoted to GM seeds by 2007. It has purchased, for example, Holden's Foundations Seeds, Seminis – the largest seed company not producing corn or soybeans in the world, the Dutch seed company De Ruiter Seeds, and the big cotton seed firm Delta and Pine. It acquires Rubber Services Laboratories Co. of Akron, Ohio, and Nitro of West Virginia now giving Monsanto entry into key rubber chemical markets. St. Louis: Monsanto Co., 1992. 1964: Monsanto is now involved in nylon and acrylic fiber production, oil and gas exploration, fabricated plastic production, and the manufacture of thousands of specialty and commodity chemical products. As a result, Monsanto is now the world's largest seed company, accounting for almost a quarter of the global proprietary seed market. 1996: Monsanto receives a patent for its synthetic genes that allow plants to create their own insecticides. Much of the rest of its chemicals division was spun off in late 1997 as Solutia, as already noted. Some of you have opted to give a regular donation. 1949: Monsanto combines forces with American Viscose and forms the Chemstranc Corp.  Monsanto’s research in polymers and Viscose’s experience in textile marketing, this venture begins to “crush it”  in the new synthetic fiber field. Please stay in touch and thank you again for your post! 1998- June: Monsanto and American Home Products Corp. (AHP) announce their intent to merge in a stock swap valued at roughly $33 billion. In 1969 the company wrote a confidential Pollution Abatement Plan which admitted that “the problem involves the entire United States, Canada and sections of Europe, especially the UK and Sweden”. The average price for soybean seed, the largest GM crop in the US, has risen by more than 50% in just two years from 2006 to 2008 – from $32.30 to $49.23 per planted acre. Also, Monsanto agrees to purchase Merck & Co.’s specialty chemicals unit, Kelco, for $1.08 billion. Today PCBs are considered one of the gravest chemical threats on the planet.

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