FC Bayern-Song. The "Halo Theme" is from the Halo series (Xbox exclusive)and is only available for the Xbox 360 version and "The End Begins" is from the God of War series (PlayStation exclusive)and is only available for the PlayStation 3 version. The CD has songs that are included on the game disc, as well as two of the three songs from the "Companion Pack", and one from the Velvet Revolver pack. [14], ^f This song is exclusive to PlayStation 3 users. 1 Min, Eiskalt, selbstverliebt, arrogant oder überheblich sind Adjektive, die gerne im Zusammenhang mit dem FC Bayern genannt werden. Der Reale Irrsinn: Weinberg in Celle wird platt gemacht | extra 3 | NDR ^j This song is featured in the main setlist of Guitar Hero Arcade. [1] These songs are arranged in eight sequential tiers based on their relative difficulty. Deutschland sucht das Atom-Endlager | Corona bei Großveranstaltungen und an Schulen | Wo sind all die Bienen hin? Mittwoch, 20. In Co-Op Career mode, the players only perform the first six tiers, do not encounter any Boss Battles, and have different Encore songs from the Solo Career mode. ^g This song was covered by Stephen (Steve) Ouimette. However, these songs were available as free downloadable content for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions of the game. Wir widmen dieses Lied der sympathischen kleinen Nicht-Regierungsorganisation. Wir haben unseren eigenen ESC ins Leben gerufen und machen in Wien ein knallhartes Gegenprogramm: Den extra 3 Song Contest. ^a This song was re-recorded specifically for Guitar Hero III.[3]. ^h This song's Bass or Rhythm chart is hidden; it can only be accessed in Co-Op mode. Most songs must be purchased in "track packs" of three and cannot be purchased individually while only some songs are available as "singles." 2 Min, Diesen Song hat Flunker-Juncker sich mehr als verdient. 1 Min, Kaum ein anderer Politiker in Deutschland regiert so geschickt über die unzähligen Stammtische des Landes: seine königliche Hoheit "Crazy Horst I." [7][39], A special code is packaged with the CD that allows Xbox 360 users to download the "Companion Pack" on Xbox Live Marketplace for free. Both the Xbox 360 and the PlayStation 3 version of Guitar Hero III feature the ability to download additional songs from the consoles' respective online stores. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions support downloadable content in the form of new songs for the game. All but one of the bonus songs are purchased in the in-game store using the virtual money earned through the Career modes of the game. 2 Min, So viel Friede-Freude-Eierkuchen, wie uns Obama und Merkel vorgegaukelt haben, verdient einen Friede-Freude-Eierkuchen-Hit. 2 Min, Alle an der vergangenen Sendung beteiligten Personen aus Produktion und Redaktion. Guitar Hero III features 73 songs on the game's media; this includes the 39 single-player songs, three "Boss Battle" songs, six co-op career exclusive songs, and 25 bonus songs. 23:20 Uhr 2 Min, Solidarität mit Bedürftigen wird in der SPD immer noch großgeschrieben. Mit Spaßbremse Anton Hofreiter als Vorsitzendem der grünen Bundestagsfraktion ist die Partei in der Bedeutungslosigkeit gelandet. Aber ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, spielt es sich ganz ungeniert. 5.9K. 2 Min, Claus Weselsky hat den Längsten! There are a number of free songs available. extra3 @extra3. Being based on the same engine as the seventh generation versions of Guitar Hero III, Guitar Hero Arcade features a set of 50 songs chosen from the main, bonus and downloadable content lists. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions each had an exclusive song. ^e This song was re-recorded by the original artist for the game. ^c Song has no rhythm guitar or bass guitar track included and, thus, cannot be played in any co-operative mode. [20], ^h This song is available at no cost. (Note that these packs are no longer available for download), ^a This song was re-recorded specifically for Guitar Hero III. 02:45 Uhr, Es ist überfällig, die in die Jahre gekommene alte Tante Eurovision Song Contest etwas zeitgemäßer zu gestalten.
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