#content tr td {border-style:none; border-top: 1px solid #e7e7e7; padding: 6px 24px;} #sidebar_wrap_2_left_right, #sidebar_wrap_2_right_right {width:45.000%;} .widget-area a {color:#C15526;} #infobar a{font-weight:normal;} #site-info,#site-title,#wp-calendar,#comments-title,.comment-meta,.comment-body tr th,.comment-body thead th, Roger de Weck Translated by Ted Dawson. background-color: #FFFFFF; .menu_bar ul ul a,.menu_bar ul ul a:visited {color:#333333;} .menu_bar li:hover > a, .menu_bar a:focus {background-color:#C15526;} .widget-area .menu-vertical ul ul li, .menu-vertical ul ul li { margin: 0; } input, textarea, ins, pre {background-color:#FFFFFF;} border: 0px solid #000000; They … .menu_bar, .mobile_menu_bar, .menu-add {background-color:#FFFFFF;} #site-title {font-size:800.000%;} color: #373737 !important; visibility: hidden; .widget-title, .widget_search label, #wp-calendar caption {color: #333333;} We were neutral even before we knew it. #content .entry-format {font-size:75%;text-transform:uppercase;} #colophon {color:#333333;} #sidebar_header .header-widget-1 {padding:0px 0px 25px 25px; border-bottom-style: dotted; border-width: thin;}} .sidebar_bottom {background-color:transparent;} #header_image {display:none;} a:hover{text-decoration:underline;} #content img.size-full, #content img.size-large, #content img.size-medium, #content img.size-thumbnail, #content .attachment-thumbnail, #content .gallery img,#content .gallery-thumb img,.entry-attachment img, #content .wp-caption img, #content img.wp-post-image,#content img[class*="wp-image-"],#author-avatar img,img.avatar {background-color:transparent;} .footnote-indicator:before { .entry-content label,.entry-content tr th,.entry-content thead th,.entry-format,.entry-meta,.entry-title, Pierre de Weck biography. #container {background-color:transparent;} Last updated: 24 April 2020 at 4:21pm EST. background: #000 url('https://transit.berkeley.edu/wp-content/plugins/dynamic-content-gallery-plugin/js-mootools/css/img/loading-bar-black.gif') no-repeat center; They hold onto the convenient, embellish the mediocre, and eliminate whatever tarnishes their self-perception. People and cultures have a tendency for selective memory. #container_wrap.left-2-col,#container_wrap.left-2-col-bottom{width:67.000%;} #sidebar_wrap_left.left-2-col,#sidebar_wrap_left.left-2-col-bottom{width:33.000%;} color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #C15526;text-decoration: none;} .entry-title a:hover {color:#C15526;} And a few weeks later, the Swiss themselves became the first people to break the neutrality: When Napoleon seized power again during the “Hundred Days” preceding Waterloo, Switzerland took part in the “crusade” against the emperor. .entry-meta a, .entry-utility a {color:#C15526;} border-top:1px solid #333333;} padding: 0px 0px !important; .float-a-note { #colophon { border-top: 4px solid #333333; } The All Other segment consists of asset and liability management activities, equity investments, non-core mortgage loans and servicing activities, the net impact of periodic revisions to the mortgage servicing rights (MSR) valuation model for both core and non-core MSRs, other liquidating businesses, residual expense allocations and other. #content .post,.post {background-color:transparent;} The First Consul of the Republic, soon to be Emperor, arbitrated between the constantly squabbling Helvetians he had ordered to Paris. Roger de Weck is a writer in Zurich and a visiting professor at the College of Europe in Bruges. Switzerland is no exception in this regard. height: 250px; if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { The most active insiders traders include Hathaway Incbuffett Warren ..., Thomas K. Montag, and Brian T Moynihan. #content tr th, #content thead th {color: #888;font-size: 12px;font-weight: bold;line-height: 18px;padding: 9px 24px;} Berliner Festspiele stand for a cultural programme where the new becomes visible. line-height: 14px !important; var tipDownUrl = 'url(https://transit.berkeley.edu/wp-content/plugins/footnotes-for-wordpress/tip-down.png)'; #colophon a:hover{text-decoration:none;} } .entry-meta a:visited, .entry-utility a:visited {color:#C15526;} .widget-area .menu-vertical li a, .widget-area .menu-vertical a:visited, .menu-vertical li a, .menu-vertical a:visited {
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