egils saga


For his deathful brand; Begone! Im Sommer, nachdem Egils Vater seinen Freund getötet hatte, kam Thorolf nach Hause, um Island zu besuchen. Help forward on his way.'. he was constantly killing and maiming people, carrying off women, getting drunk, and making up poems, which made him very popular as a viking. He thought also it were a mean man's fate to be captured in such flight. Kettle Hæing had owned the sword and used it in his single combats, and no sword was there more biting. Still he the land held fast, Please try your request again later. In thronging crowd King Eric ruled over Norway one year after the death of his father king Harold, before Hacon Athelstan's foster-son, another son of Harold, came out of the west from England; and in that same summer Egil Skallagrimsson went to Iceland. But when she came to the king, she said: 'Will anything, my lord, avail to reconcile thee with Thorolf? Some escaped by running away. So then they made sail, and sailed into the waters about Herdla. And when they got further out in the firth towards Herdla, then came rowing out towards them Rognvald the king's son with twelve more on the painted pinnace. As foeman in fight. mit wütender Wut. Whom friends all fail. He never after returned to England. my favorite of the icelandic sagas. 'Of this I am not the cause,' said Aunund, 'that they are quarrelling. Whereupon Egil sang: 'Egil his eyes black-browed One summer at the Thing Einar went to the booth of Egil Skallagrimsson, and they began to talk, and soon their talk took this turn that they spoke of poetry. Then was the king cheerful in all his talk with Thorgils, and they parted friends. Aunund was tall, and the strongest of those men who were then in the country-side; nay, some doubted whether he were not shape-strong. For he was at that time easily known by such as should see him. And when summer came, Egil let it be known that he meant to make ready his ship for a voyage out in the summer. Egil with three comrades made him ready for the journey. XHTML | König Harald Fairhair (Haraldr Hárfagri) kämpfte darum, ganz Norwegen zu vereinen. Earl Hroald he set over the Firthfolk. 'Here is a large loft in which the goodman sleeps; therein is no stint of weapons.'. He said: 'Come thou hither, big man, to the holm, and fight with me, if thou hast a wish that way. 'Early waked I, But Egil took his ships, cargo, and weapons. In that expedition befell much tidings. All spoke against that, saying they would make for the ship. Then rowed out of the haven many other ships of Arinbjorn's people, cutters and row-boats; but the long-ship which Arinbjorn steered went last, for it was the heaviest under oars. For the king had heard that Arinbjorn Thorstein's mother's brother was gone southwards to Denmark and was with Eric's sons, and further that they had a large following and spent the summer in harrying. Some time after Skallagrim's coming out, a ship put into Borgar-firth from the main, commanded by a man named Oleif Halt. Once we get to Egil, I just didn’t care much about him or his adventures. It is said of shape-strong men, or men with a fit of Berserk fury on them, that while the fit lasted they were so strong that nought could withstand them; but when it passed off, then they were weaker than their wont. ', Said Arinbjorn: 'No one will call Eric a greater man for slaying a yeoman's son, a foreigner, who has freely come into his power. But what live-stock they had went every winter self-feeding in the woods. Then he bade them lie down to sleep. 'Very bad,' said she; 'will you eat some?' Atli gave no ground. King Harold also had come from the north with his forces, and the armies met inside Solskel. Three children had Kari, one son named Eyvind Lambi, another Aulvir Hnuf, and a daughter Salbjorg, who was a most beautiful woman of a noble spirit. And one spring Eric Bloodaxe made ready to go to Bjarmaland, and chose him much people for that voyage. For me should they purchase There in the town king Olaf quartered him, and there he had the greatest part of his force, because there was a wide district around which seemed to him convenient for the bringing in of such provisions as the army needed. Skallagrim and Bera had a great many children, but at first they all died. That ship's stern doth plow. The king said that Thorolf had himself taken his own reward. They were of his company this winter, and sate next to the two brothers. They then went down to the ship, and Thorolf spoke: 'Thou regardest the ship carefully, prince; how dost thou like it? Eric's sounding name. Then Egil and his comrades lowered into the vault the rope with which they had been bound, and drew up thence three men. The weather was calm, a fell-wind blew by night, a sea breeze by day. Das älteste Manuskript (ein Fragment) stammt aus dem Jahr 1240 n. Chr. Every chapter begins with a completely unnecessary family history. Auf dieser Reise nahm Thorolf seine zukünftige Frau Asgerd (Ásgerðr Bjarnardóttir) mit und vereinigte sie mit ihren Verwandten (ihrem Vater Björn und Onkel Thorir), um die Erlaubnis zur Heirat zu erhalten.

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