To jest olbrzymia mapa mentalna online, który służy jako podstawa do schematów koncepcyjnych. بابک رفعتی (ur. [1] 68 relations: Anorthosis Famagusta FC in European football, Babak (given name), Frank Willenborg, Iranians in Germany, List of association football international referees, Marco Fritz, Patrick Ittrich, Rafati… Babak has 5 jobs listed on their profile. "The symptoms first appeared, according to his recollection, around one-and-a-half years ago and they have since grown in intensity. 28 maja 1970) – niemiecki sędzia piłkarski irańskiego pochodzenia. [3] He was later found in his hotel room, having attempted suicide, and was rushed into intensive care. Having been rushed to hospital, Rafati was discharged this week and is now receiving psychological care. Internationalt nåede han at blive indrangeret som kategori 2-dommer. He was found by his assistants in his hotel room bath tub two hours before the scheduled kick-off having cut his wrists. "Bundesliga game called off after referee's suicide bid", "Referee Babak Rafati seeks return after suicide attempt",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 21 May 2020, at 23:42. "Babak Rafati would like to referee again at the end of this therapy," his solicitor Dr Sven Menke said. بابک رفعتی (ur. As of November 2011, he has officiated 84 top-flight German league games.[2]. dla dokumentów, raportów, projektów, pomysłów, dokumentacji, badań, podsumowań, lub pracy. [5] Incidentally, his debut officiating a Bundesliga game was a match between Köln and Mainz 05 on 6 August 2005. 11 kontakty. Bundesliga niemiecka w piłce nożnej mężczyzn, Babak Rafati i Bundesliga niemiecka w piłce nożnej, Babak Rafati i 2. Jest darmowy i każdy artykuł lub dokument można pobrać. View Babak Rafati’s profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Google Play, Android i logo Google Play są znakami towarowymi firmy Google Inc. 2. German referee Babak Rafati confirmed he is suffering from depression but would like to officiate again. Babak Rafati (Persian: بابک رفعتی, born 28 May 1970) is a former Iranian-German football referee. 1,4 tys. The 41-year-old attempted suicide last weekend before he was due to referee Cologne's Bundesliga match against Mainz 05, which was postponed. Bundesliga. Last updated on 25 November 201125 November 2011.From the section Football. "Babak Rafati would like to referee again at the end of this therapy," his solicitor Dr Sven Menke said. Dostępne w języku polski, angielski, hiszpański, portugalski, Japoński, chiński, francuski, niemiecki, włoski, holenderski, rosyjski, arabski, hindi, szwedzki, ukraiński, węgierski, kataloński, czeski, hebrajski, duński, fiński, indonezyjski, norweski, rumuński, turecki, wietnamski, koreański, tajski, grecki, bułgarski, chorwacki, słowacki, litewski, filipiński, łotewski, estoński i słoweński. Babak Rafati (født 28. maj 1970 i Hannover) er en tysk-iransk fodbolddommer, der siden 2005 har dømt i den tyske 1. "He is therefore requesting the peace and quiet which he now needs for his healing process.". FC Köln and 1. Rafati was scheduled to referee a Bundesliga match on 19 November 2011 between 1. osób lubi to. FSV Mainz 05, but never arrived, leading to the match's abandonment after a replacement could not be found. Babak Rafati. Mai 1970) ist ein deutscher Fußballschiedsrichter iranischer Abstammung. [2][4] He confirmed that he was suffering from depression, and that would like to return to refereeing after he finished undergoing therapy. Read about our approach to external linking. Rafati, who works as a banker, began refereeing German Soccer Federation (DFB) matches in 1997 and has officiated 84 Bundesliga games since his promotion to the top flight in 2005. Babak Rafati, per. It is unclear how long the treatment for his illness will last but Rafati said he hoped to return "to normal life" as soon as possible, and asked to be left in "peace and quiet" in the meantime. Bundesliga.Ved siden af dommergerningen arbejder han som filialleder for et pengeinstitut i hjembyen Hannover. Babak Rafati (persisch بابک رفعتی; * 28. Unionpedia jest koncepcja lub sieci semantycznej mapie zorganizowane jak encyklopedii lub słownika. "This burden was even making daily routine problems seem insurmountable and he no longer felt able to cope. 28 maja 1970) – niemiecki sędzia piłkarski irańskiego pochodzenia. Babak Rafati, per. To daje krótką definicję każdej koncepcji i jej związków. Jest to narzędzie, zasobów lub odniesienie do nauki, badań, edukacji, nauki lub nauczania, które mogą być wykorzystywane przez nauczycieli, pedagogów, uczniów lub studentów; Wszystkie informacje ekstrahowano z Wikipedia, i jest dostępny na licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach. Babak Rafati (بابک رفعتی, born 28 May 1970) is a former Iranian-German football referee. Bundesliga niemiecka w piłce nożnej mężczyzn, licencji Creative Commons: uznanie autorstwa, na tych samych warunkach. Zobacz więcej ». Oto definicja, wyjaśnienie, opis lub znaczenie każdego znaczące na które potrzebujesz informacji, a także wykaz związanych z nimi pojęć, jak słownik. [1], As of February 2010, he has officiated more than 150 matches in the Bundesliga and the 2. Dr Menke's statement was published by Germany's Bild newspaper and also said: "Together with his partner and his family, he has decided to inform the public of his reasons. DFB president Theo Zwanziger praised the three officials for saving Rafati's life. Mr Rafati felt a growing pressure to perform combined with the media pressure together with the constant fear of making mistakes, and this was leading to an ever-increasing burden. dla świata akademickiego: dla szkoły podstawowej, średniej, gimnazjum, środku, uczelni, stopień technicznej, kolegium, uniwersytet, licencjackich, magisterskich lub stopnia doktora; Babak Rafati (Persian: بابک رفعتی , born 28 May 1970) is a former Iranian-German football referee. Więcej języków wkrótce. Anti Babak Rafati. The 41-year-old attempted suicide last weekend before he was due to referee Cologne's Bundesliga match against Mainz 05.
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