Philipp Amthor withdraws candidacy for CDU state presidency - page 1. Although he officially reported his sideline work for the company to the Bundestag administration last year. He also profiled himself as a young representative of the more conservative party wing and as an entertaining guest on talk shows. That he did not take part in the debate was "really cowardly". Philipp Amthor’s fame is based on a performance of just over six and a half minutes. FDP parliamentary director Marco Buschmann called Amthors behavior "indecent". Amthor thus drew the consequences of the allegations of lobbying against him. «The Amthor case shows very clearly that there is still a n... Berlin (dpa) - In the debate about the lobbying activities of CDU politician Philipp Amthor, the lobby control association has called for stricter rules for MPs. The CDU member of Parliament Philip Amthor has admitted on Facebook publicly is a mistake. His Greens colleague Britta Hasselmann said that it was still unclear whether Amthor had received an advantage for his lobbying activity that was not allowed. So far this has failed due to the blockade of the Union. GERMAN LOBBYING DRAMA: One of Germany’s rising political stars, Philipp Amthor, has found himself at the center of a lobbying scandal, which has resulted in calls for new rules on lobbying transparency in the German Bundestag. Make sure you have not specified unsupported directives inside the Bundestag member Philipp Amthor will not run for the CDU state presidency in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The 27-year-old lawyer from Ueckermünde has been a member of the Bundestag since 2017 and regularly causes a stir with his speeches. The reason: lobbying for a US company - seemingly not without consideration. According to Spiegel , the 27-year-old no longer wants to work for a commercial law firm. According to a report by “Zeit Online”, the Bundestag administration is examining whether Amthor violated the rules of conduct for parliamentarians when traveling to meet with Augustus representatives. June 22, 2020 by Rito Saha. This was announced after a meeting of the state executive in Güstrow. After the political shit in the lobbying affair, Philipp Amthor is now gaining approval from his ranks. If you are the webmaster of this site please log in to Cpanel "We need more transparency in the German parliament, we need more openness and more comprehensibility," said Hasselmann. Amthor, 27, is a lawmaker from Angela Merkel‘s Christian Democratic Union (CDU). permissions with a FTP client or through cPanel's File Manager. «The Amthor case shows very clearly … It was a mistake, ”said Amthor. You can update file there. and check the Error Logs. Amthor has meanwhile described his sideline work and lobbying for the company as a mistake and has said that the cooperation has ended. The opposition in the Bundestag criticized Amthor. So short is the million-fold YouTube clip, in which the then 25-year-old member of the … The 27-year-old Amthor was long seen as a young hope for his party. You will find the exact reason for this error «The Amthor case shows very clearly that there is still a need for action, particularly in the area of company investments. SPD MP Matthias Bartke was confident that the coalition would soon submit a bill. Lobbying: Philipp Amthor withdraws candidacy for CDU presidency, Lobbying: Philipp Amthor withdraws from Amri committee of inquiry, Appearance at the district executive board: Support for Amthor's candidacy for CDU state presidency, After allegations of lobbying: Amthor withdraws from the Amri committee of inquiry, Parties: Amthor is not running for CDU leadership in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, Work for a commercial law firm: Philipp Amthor gives up further secondary employment, Parties: Amthor withdraws from Amri's investigative committee, Northeast CDU: After Amthor withdrawal: start with a new candidate, Suez-Veolia battle: the French Ardian fund enters the game - France 24, José Anigo in custody alongside a figure of organized crime, Parrots insulting zoo visitors had to be moved, An earthquake of 4.3 intensity with an epicenter in Navarra is noticeable in Aragon and La Rioja, Clashes in Luxor after an Egyptian citizen was shot dead by a police officer, They investigate the wife of Josep Maria Mainat for trying to assassinate him, Storm Alex: five western departments in orange vigilance, Italy is looking for 100 tasters for the Tiramisu World Cup, Defense Apache helicopter makes precautionary landing in Elburg, Prime Minister Suga sees off the appointment of some candidates for the Science Council of Japan, Spain: FC Barcelona wins 3-0 in Vigo despite a half-time at ten - France 24, Usa 2020: Biden ahead 13 points on Trump in new poll, US calls on the parties to the conflict in Karabakh for a truce, [Breaking News] Kim Jong-un, local map of the flood recovery site in Kimhwa-gun, Gangwon-do, Fashion in Paris: Isabel Marant sees life in pink - France 24.
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