When Jonathan arrived, Lilith began to seduce Cain once again, managing to convince him to protect her at Edom by promising that she would return bring back his brother, Abel. Lilith is a powerful Greater Demon and the Queen of Edom. With the blood from 33 disciples, the ritual was close to completion. Lilith was eventually summoned back to Earth by Sebastian, thus helping her reform faster, though not completely. A hundred years or so later, Raziel created the race of Nephilim, beginning with Jonathan Shadowhunter, to combat the darkness seeping out from the Void. Lilith noted his kindness and chose him as her first disciple.[2]. In her true form, she brutally killed the angel by ripping out his heart and took a sliver of Clary's soul. Lilith has a fixation on children due to her being barren. Kind: Some time in the 1990s, Lilith was summoned by the young and ambitious Shadowhunter, Valentine Morgenstern. Status: Lilith then demanded that Simon revive Sebastian by feeding him his blood. Shortly after members of the Circle were turned, a group of Shadowhunters arrived to rescue Jace Herondale. [1] She personally views Jonathan Morgenstern as her son. Though Magnus dared her to kill him, Lilith remarked that she did not want to become bogged down in a war with Asmodeus, released the warlock and departed with Jace. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The following evening, Lilith received Ollie—the last disciple sent her way by Jace—and did to her what she did to all the other disciples: asked her which she'd killed, slit her throat, and let her blood spill onto the altar. She immediately teleported to Magnus's loft, tossing Alec and Isabelle aside and pinning Magnus against a wall. As she turned back towards Jonathan, Simon sped in and removed Clary's bonds. She was still too weak and was only able to manage to provide her blood for the Infernal Cup, in order for Sebastian to create an army of Dark Shadowhunters. Around the same time, Lilith sends men to bring her the Daylighter, Simon Lewis, but all of the men but one were killed as a result of trying to harm Simon while he bore the Mark of Cain, although the surviving man had no idea how this occurred. Worried about "her son", Lilith rushed over to his body and took him with her, knowing that she could find a way to bring him back as Jace's revival could pave the way for Sebastian's revival, to restore the balance between Light and Dark. At the Seventh Sacred Site on the Burren in 2007, Lilith gave her blood for the creation of Sebastian's Dark Shadowhunter army with the Infernal Cup. She is bitter and spiteful, as it was she who swayed Cain, the son of her former husband Adam, to kill his brother Abel out of utter spite and even turned Cain into a vampire. Her shape is slim and lovely, and her skin pale white. Taking advantage of this oversight, Lilith began sending Jace dreams that troubled him greatly, such as dreams of him killing his girlfriend, Clary. [2], Lilith cares about the safety of those who serve a purpose to her but would not hesitate to rid herself of them when they became a liability. Though she doesn't exactly try to be subtle with her activities,[12] she is able to avoid detection, letting others do her dirty work for her but hides in plain sight, showing herself in some other form even to those working against her. Human form She serves as the main antagonist of the show's third season. She called each of them back to her church after their kill and slit their throats over the alter, letting their demonic lifeblood drip and flow onto the carved spaces and into the center to nourish Jonathan and prepare him for his rebirth. [3] At some point, she became known as the Mother of Demons. She was seen with Benedict at his own party in the Lightwood mansion, where Tessa Gray described her as a demon woman with snakes for eyes.[3][4][5][6]. She is known for her role as Lilith in Freeform's original series, Shadowhunters. She suspected that she was subsequently cursed with never being able to bear children. Clary–Jace's girlfriend and Sebastian's sister who'd been with them to see their plans come to fruition–revealed herself as a traitor when she attempted to free Jace from his bond with Sebastian with the sword Glorious. Significant other(s): Jonathan told Lilith that he would help her fight Asmodeus, and when Lilith got close enough to Jonathan, the boy took out his blade and attempted to stab her. In a ritual around the year 1000 AD, Sammael and Lilith drastically weakened the Veil between the dimensions, greatly strengthening all of demonkind's immunity to the Earth's environment. A Greater Demon and the Queen of Edom, she is considered the Mother of Demons. Sammael and Lilith later traversed the Earth, siring demons in the lands they visited, and promoting the creation of warlocks, witches, and faeries. Eye color: Ollie told her of Simon, causing Lilith to deduce his Daylighter status and therefore the origin of his powers.[15]. Once Jace finished his assignment of collecting 33 disciples for her ritual, she intended to kill Jace as revenge for killing her son. Banished Lilith is a Greater Demon who is credited as the "mother of all warlocks" and the "first of all demons". The demon ended up tracking Isabelle Lightwood, who had been wearing Clary's dress, instead. Known relatives:
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