"Alphorn Dialog" beim Weihnachtskonzert mit BLECHSCHADEN in der Philharmonie im Gasteig in München am 23.12.2011 The band features Alphorns, Yodeling, Musical Cowbells, and the Holz Glachter. Enjoy the video! Sign in to YouTube. Watch Queue Queue. Salzburger Echo plays many festivals annually, including Oktoberfest in Mt. One can lower to tuned-pitch of an alphorn by inserted an extender into the mouthpiece bore and then inserting your mouthpiece into the extender. This product falls squarely in the latter category, being culturally intertwined with the white peaks of the Alps as much as the Carousel organ is indigenous to the streets of Amsterdam or Brussels.This instrument, recorded on location at the Alphorn Centre http://www.alphorn-center.de/ in Friesenheim, the south of Germany, and played by renowned player and Alphorn builder Franz Schüssele, is an inspiring mix of nature and craftsmanship, producing silky smooth soft tones and rattling shouts alike, sounding a bit like a very warm brass instrument even though the whole thing including the mouthpiece is made of wood.We had a great time with Franz trying to capture all the intricacies of this amazing instrument, and we think we succeeded, in the Sonokinetic style, warts and all, to make for a very original and natural sounding approximation of the real thing.Since the Alphorn has no valves it only plays nature-tone harmonics, in the case of this instrument upwards from a low F. Some of these harmonics are not exactly tempered to our modern ears (most notably the one between Bb and B, and between Db and D). Sign in. Melanie Oesch yodels, Lisa Stoll plays the Alpine Horn, great medley of songs. Salzburger Echo is the premier group for contemporary and old-world alpine music. by Bob Bond. Lisa Stoll - Alphorn by sauft5000. The alphorn makes a grand appearance at the Swiss Yodeling Festival, in parades held by the Swiss Association for Traditional Costume as well as at the annual international alphorn festival in Nendaz. The added benefit of this approach was that we could also add recorded legato transitions of up to three octaves (!) ***These great pictures are by Steve Evans (1st and 2nd pic) and Zacharie Grossen (3rd pic).https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Swiss_Alps_003_%286815891681%29.jpghttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Swiss_Alps_001_%286741434167%29.jpghttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matterhorn#/media/File:Matterhorn_from_Domh%C3%BCtte_-_2.jpg~ Music by Derek Fiechter ~ It is used by mountain dwellers in the Swiss Alps, Austrian Alps, Bavarian Alps in Germany, French Alps, and elsewhere. Yellow Brick Cinema - Relaxing Music Recommended for you In addition, the alphorn is encountered in classical music. The goal of \"The Alphorn Project\" is to teach others the history, making, and how to play this Swiss instrument. This video is unavailable. This extended version is multitimbral, and capable of producing amazing beds of Alphorn ensemble sweetness.Further controls in the instrument are very basic, with a ‘growl’ control and a basic EQ and IR reverb.We, at Sonokinetic BV, are very proud to introduce Alphorn to you, and can’t wait to hear the amazing things you, our valued customer base, will produce with it.Sonokinetic has established a name as one of the best value \u0026 quality sample producers and with this product we’d like to underline that statement. Buy our music here :iTunes : https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/europe/id1033275302Bandcamp : https://dbfiechter.bandcamp.com/album/europeAmazon mp3 : http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B014EQ9VOGListen to our music on Spotify:Spotify (Derek) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/01Er12nK5rrnHx8usFPJAsSpotify (Brandon) : https://play.spotify.com/artist/2XDOBQOobSTxtmFhWKdm6x***Swiss alphorn music about the majestic alps of Switzerland. up and down for the natural instrument.For general usability we also made an ‘Extended’ version, mapping the samples over the missing notes, and tuning it in kontakt. Prairie Song: The Alphorns of Salzburg Echo. Watch Queue Queue. Listen. ALPHORN. This is the first of several lessons designed to teach you the fundamentals of playing the Alphorn.In this lesson you will learn how to breath correctly while playing (0:19), buzz using lips (1:35), articulate notes (2:58), buzz into a mouthpiece (3:21), and improvise (6:55).I am doing a project called \"The Alphorn Project\" (http://learnalphorn.com/), and am using this lesson in my website.
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