You should be careful and visit this location later in the game. M3 -Crow's Perch - The central point of this part of the game world is the castle in which the local baron lives. You should explore those territories after you gain some levels. Our map has been divided into several smaller ones (M2 to M12) and you can find their more detailed descriptions (quests and world atlas) in the following chapters. It is in Velen that you will meet Keira Metz, face Nithral of the Wild Hunt, and fight a Basilisk as Ciri. Here you won't find any characters or notice boards that will add new quests to your journal. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. The province is practically deprived of all natural resources. Veleners subside primarily on agriculture, crafting and animal husbandry. M4 -Midcopse - Suprisingly, the Midcopse isn't the most important location on this map. This page was last edited on 28 June 2019, at 19:50. It contains a great deal of forests, wetlands and cultivated woods, though the greatest part of it is covered in swamps and bogs (…). Velen Witcher Contracts. It is the land where the forces of the Empire clashed with the armies of the Northern Kingdoms, forcing the battlefront both north and south, leaving the area which lies between a desolate, destroyed land. The hut is linked to the main quest. The land is mostly a bog, filled All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Veleners subside primarily on agriculture, crafting and animal husbandry. Velen is a region in the Northern Realms in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. M11 -Bald Mountain - It's one of the smallest locations explored in Velen. Gwent: To Everything - Turn, Turn, Tournament! In the depopulate… There aren't many interesting places here. Expect to see plenty of Drowners and Water Hags. Goodness, Gracious, Great Balls of Granite! [2], One of the major regions in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, its swamps and deep forests represent the dark and mysterious elements of the game. In addition to Midcopse you can visit another village here as well - in both of them you will find merchants and craftsmen. In addition to the perch you should visit nearby village and trade or craft there. There are many interactive characters in the perch (including a blacksmith, merchants, card players) and you can unlock many side quests here. Its people were killed, raped and hung – all the worst things imaginable. You can explore them, gain precious experience and better equipment (watch out for stronger opponents at the swamps!). The land is mostly a bog, filled with water heavy areas. Western part of the map offers many additional places, including bandit camps. Similarly to other nearby territories, you must watch out because you can be attacked by strong enemies here. To check it out, go to Special:Preferences, then choose the "Appearance" tab and click on the radio button next to "Hydra". There are many strong monsters there that can easily kill a weak character. Velen also blends in with Novigrad. Map of Velen. It means that thorough exploration of the map shouldn't take you a lot of time. The two are neighboring lands. M9 -Crookback Mog - It's a large location in which you most of all complete one of the main quests. Important - Under the name of each map you will find a hint about the suggested experience level you should have while exploring the territory. Geralt must meet with him during one of the main quests. Velen, also called No Man's Land, is a province situated in northern Temeria, north of its capital Gors Velen. It is home to the Bloody Baron and the three Crones. The Witcher wiki now has a light themed alternative for the wiki skin. Here Geralt can complete side quests related to Keira Metz and the wizard. [3], Battlefield, Wallpaper and artwork of the "Killing Monsters" series, week 6, Wallpaper, part of the "Killing Monsters" series, week 9). You won't have a chance with them at the beginning, so you should postpone obtaining these treasures for later. Above, you can find a map of the Northern Kingdoms, which is a part of the game world that you visit right after leaving the Royal Palace in Vizima.The map consists of different areas of Velen.Our map has been divided into several smaller ones (M2 to M12) and you can find their more detailed descriptions (quests and world atlas) in the following chapters. You will only finish here some quests started in neighboring regions. As part of the Unified Community Platform project, your wiki will be migrated to the new platform in the next few weeks. Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Strong Language, Strong Sexual Content, Use of Alcohol, How to Use The Witcher 3 Cross Save Between Nintendo Switch, PC, Contract: The Mystery of the Byways Murders, Treasure Hunt: An Unfortunate Turn of Events, Treasure Hunt: Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Fire.
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