stenden university


Stenden University of Applied Sciences is an international university which has locations in the Netherlands: Leeuwarden (head office), Groningen, Meppel, Assen, Emmen, and international sites in Doha , Port Alfred (South Africa), Bangkok and Bali . -International Business Do empathy and a service-minded attitude come naturally to you? Ihre Trägergesellschaft, die Stenden University Berlin gemeinnützige GmbH, wurde von der Stenden Hogeschool (einer niederländischen privaten Bildungseinrichtung mit Hauptsitz in Leeuwarden) errichtet. Amtsblatt für Berlin, 59. Die NHL Stenden Hogeschool (englisch NHL Stenden University of applied sciences) ist eine Bildungseinrichtung im Nordosten der Niederlande mit Zweigstellen in anderen Ländern. You may be allowed to enter conditionally with 60-69% as long as your grade in English is minimum 70%. NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences - Studium in den Niederlanden Studium in den Niederlanden: NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden, Emmen, Groningen, Meppel, Bangkok, Port Alfred, Badung, Doha, West-Terschelling, - Übersicht der Studiengänge und Infos zum Studium in … © QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited 1994 - 2020. All bachelor programmes include a compulsory internship to establish a great link with the working field. Ein Jahr nach der staatlichen Anerkennung durch die Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung wurde der SUB die staatliche Genehmigung wieder entzogen. Kubu Gunung, Banjar Tegal Jaya, Dalung, Kuta Utara Badung, Bali 80361, Indonesia Email: … Sign up to our monthly newsletter to receive regular content highlights direct to your inbox. Sammel Arbeitserfahrung schon während deines Studiums. With approximately 11,000 students of which 25% is coming from outside the Netherlands, Stenden is one of the most international places to study in Europe. Stenden University of Applied Sciences with its main campus in Leeuwarden, is a dynamic and truly international institute. A determined entrepreneur, she has now expanded, Ahmad Walid Al Dasuqi is a Bachelor of Business Administration graduate in Tourism Management from Stendent University Qatar. * For language support. Finding a balance is a really important thing and I think you can refer that to any topic, at every point in your life. Would you like to be part of an exciting international business environment? Stenden Qatar Alumni Office; Master of Arts. Stenden Qatar University of Applied Sciences reached another important milestone as The International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education. Als Student arbeitest du z.B. For the Institution in Port Alfred, Eastern Cape province, South Africa, see, "NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences", Learn how and when to remove this template message, Vocational universities in the Netherlands,, NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences, Educational institutions established in 2008, Organisations based in Groningen (province), Netherlands articles missing geocoordinate data, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 10 June 2020, at 12:54. What I enjoy most about Stenden University is the close-knit community that we have here, where everybody knows each other and it feels like a second home, where I feel my opinion is heard. The University is the product of the merger in 2008 of Hogeschool Drenthe and Christelijke Hogeschool Nederland. August 2009, International Leisure and Tourism Management, International Service Industry Management. Die Gründung dieser Hochschule deutschen Rechts erfolgte auf Initiative der Stenden Hogeschool in Leeuwarden (Niederlande), einer tertiären berufsorientierten Bildungseinrichtung gemäß niederländischem Recht. Nederlands; English;; Discover the world of knowledge at NHL Stenden Library. The QS Wo... Netherlands, Ireland, US: University News. On the 2nd of June, Stenden University of Applied Sciences-Qatar held its 17th graduation congregation, celebrating the … International Hospitality and Service Management; International Leisure, Tourism, and Event Management; Admission Requirements . All rights reserved. The guide to the latest higher education news f... Use at least 6 characters and one numeral, Brenda and 15 others shortlisted this university. Jahrgang, Nr. -International Hospitality Management Entrance Test "Stenden University" redirects here. On the 2nd of June, Stenden University of Applied Sciences-Qatar held its 17th graduation congregation, celebrating the achievements of 44 graduates. Are you enterprising and do you like to expand your horizons? 46, Seite 2354,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, keine; Schließung erfolgte am 3. With approximately 11,000 students of which 25% is coming from outside the Netherlands, Stenden is one of the most international places to study in Europe. -International Business Submit your online application on ‎our website. The University is the product of the merger in 2008 of Hogeschool Drenthe and Christelijke Hogeschool Nederland.

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