He later worked as a University professor in Marketing. He became Department Head at Old Dominion University and Missouri State University. [2] He continued to record, but was unable to repeat his chart success. He later worked as a University professor in Marketing. His siblings are all involved in the show business, as directors, musicians, singers, actors, and models. Robin Luke (born 20 March 1942, Los Angeles, California, United States) is an American rock and roll singer who is best known for his 1958 song, "Susie Darlin'". Robin Rock'n'Roll ihr Affen! ️ Fußball ⚽️ FC Köln, Luke!, Joshua Kimmich, Luca Waldschmidt, Harry Potter, Karneval, Cat Ballou, [Acc. 1m Followers, 257 Following, 870 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Luke Mockridge (@thereallukemockridge) [4] As of 2012, he still performs occasionally on the side. (International 212, 1958 & Dot 15959, 1959), "Make Me A Dreamer" b/w "Walkin' In The Moonlight" (Dot 16001, 1959), "Bad Boy" b/w "School Bus Love Affair" (Dot 16040, 1960), "Part Of A Fool" b/w "Poor Little Rich Boy" (Dot 16229,1961), "My Pink Velvet Shoes" b/w(International 212, 1959 & Dot 15959, 1959), "Foggin' Up The Windows with My Guy" b/w "Wound Time" (Dot 16366, 1962), This page was last edited on 23 January 2020, at 15:30. Robin Luke stated that he never envisioned pursuing music as a career and quit the professional music business in 1965. [5] He received his Ph.D. in Business Administration and Marketing at the University of Missouri-Columbia, and served as a professor at Old Dominion University, the University of the Virgin Islands, and Missouri State University. Robin Luke (born 20 March 1942, Los Angeles, California, United States) is an American rock and roll singer who is best known for his 1958 song, " Susie Darlin' ". Die Greatnightshow [2] The track reached #5 on the Billboard Hot 100 and #23 on the UK Singles Chart,[3] selling over one million copies and earning a gold disc. Luke was living in Honolulu, Hawaii, attending Punahou School, in 1958 when he wrote and recorded "Susie Darlin'", a song named after his then five-year-old sister, Susie. Luke has been enshrined in the Rockabilly Hall of Fame.[1]. Musikvideos im Alltag- Bis das Ordnungsamt kommt! - LUKE! "Robin Luke with His Only Hit "Susie Darlin'" – Mental Itch", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Robin_Luke&oldid=937200353, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "Hound Dog" b/w (International 206, 1958 & Dot 15781, 1958), "My Girl" b/w "Chicka Chicka Honey" (International 208, 1957 & Dot 15839,1958), "You Can't Stop Me From Dreaming" b/w ""Strollin' Blues" (International 210, 1957 & Dot 15899, 1959), "Five Minutes More" b/w "Won't You Please Me Mine?" One of his brothers is actor Jeremy Mockridge. Mockridge was raised in Endenich and has two older and three younger brothers. Robin Luke was discovered by Hawaii entrepreneur Kimo Wilder McVay. After "Susie Darlin'" started getting local airplay, Dot Records bought his recording contract and the International master tapes. His first four singles were recorded for the small International Records label in Honolulu. Luke has been enshrined in the Rockabilly Hall of Fame. Luke Mockridge lives in Cologne and plays guitar and piano, which he taught himself. runs&managed by Mom] His godfather was Dirk Bach.
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