Yeah. Patreon has various data retention policies and regularly maintains its databases. Patreon has various data retention policies and regularly maintains its databases. You literally CAN NOT find our pages unless you have a direct link. It seems like more creators would get more patrons if people could just browse. This extension will scrape a Patreon feed and download all posted images and slideshows. Sign up A student of East State University named Brad finds himself stranded at rival college Saint Dame University during a hurricane that has unexpectedly changed course and struck the town. A totally unofficial Patreon subreddit, for questions about using Patreon only. Your IP: You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Media company connects directly with their fans via a private Facebook group and live Patreon Q&As. In the realm of politics, this is the equivalent of the government seizing assets, land, or businesses and telling you to go pound sand. To cut out the middle man and make art accessible directly from the artist to the fan, is one of the beauties of internet. 115. NO PROMOTION OR ADS ALLOWED! Patreon will now be forced to arbitrate 100+ claims, and pay up front fees of up to $10,000 per arbitration. Now, we use Patreon as a membership program to not only fund content, but to hold local events and give supporters exclusive perks. This website uses cookies. Singer songwriter's patrons get instant access to hundreds of exclusive, patron-only tracks and sample packs. To ensure we do not delete any desired information under our ordinary procedures, we advise any law enforcement officer or agency to bring a request to preserve any data it intends on requesting. Patreon will now be forced to arbitrate 100+ claims, and pay up front fees of up to $10,000 per arbitration. To me, Patreon is the future of the music business. Continue with Apple. Join over 200,000+ creators earning salaries from over 4 million monthly patrons. Keep in mind that we will let our creators and patrons know when information on them has been requested. 15.0k. Patreon powers membership businesses for creators by giving them the tools they need to acquire, manage, and energize their paying patrons. Science fiction author releases chapter previews of her novels via Patreon posts. At minimal, Patreon is looking to lose over a million dollars in setting up the arbitration and millions in legal fees to have their lawyers arbitrate on their behalf. Cyrille Aimee. To ensure we do not delete any desired information under our ordinary procedures, we advise any law enforcement officer or agency to bring a request to preserve any data it intends on requesting. Patreon has various data retention policies and regularly maintains its databases. 118. Pop culture podcast host shares bonus material with patrons and lets them choose which content stays exclusive to Patreon. Continue browsing in r/patreon. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Creators with access-based tiers. How do I bring a request for creator or patron information? Over one hundred of his fans took up the cause and moved to begin arbitration when Patreon refused and took them to court to prevent any arbitration from occurring. All requests must include the requesting party, the relevant matter (whether criminal or civil) and the specific information being sought. Like any converged company, until Patreon goes fully broke, do not expect this to alter their ongoing censorious behaviors. • You can support us with a single or monthly donation and get exclusive rewards like your own Kurzgesagt bird, wallpapers or the music from our videos in return. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Anti-Racism & Black Voices: A Reading List, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, Legends & Mythology, Virtual Event - Tracy Wolff discussing Crush, Virtual Event - L.C. After a series of filings, Patreon attempted to intimidate the claimants by counter-suing them. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. When I click on say... games. Continue browsing in r/patreon. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. Members. Your support is appreciated. Preferred identifying information includes email address, creator name, creator page url, user ID, last four digits of credit card and credit card expiration date. • We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for artists and creators to get paid. Provides her community of patrons (called “hedgehogs”) with a private chat room and forum. These terms remain in effect even if you no longer have an account.”. To cut out the middle man and make art accessible directly from the artist to the fan, is one of the beauties of internet. 2 Type B 2B Comfort Silica Gel Wrist Rest Support Mat Mice Mouse Pad for Computer Pc / Laptop (2), Yunanwa Extended Gaming Mouse Pad Mat, XXL Large Wide Keyboard Desk Mat for Laptop Macbook Computer - Non-slip Rubber Base with Stitched Edges (35.5" X 15.7" Sexy Hips), GoodOffer24 Back To School Software Deals Includes Microsoft Office, Windows 10 Pro. A totally unofficial Patreon subreddit, for questions about using Patreon only. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. For instance, I have an adult patreon page, and I subscribe to several other people who do as well. Our legal team reviews each and every request. Creators going the extra mile to provide value for their patrons. If they survive the incoming arbitration, they are unlikely to survive the flight of talent and backers. April 2020 Announcement: increased wait times for support. If you try to bring such a claim, you are responsible for the damages caused, including attorneys fees and costs.
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