Bringing her back home, he finds out that the office has been completely cleared and his former partners have ended their association with him. [8][9]. Later on, Moritz crashes Lisa’s party to win her back, only to be humiliated by Dan. Susi sniffs out the ecstacy stash and ruins it, in which Moritz and Lenny abandon her in the forest. Trivia (1) Great-granddaughter of actor and comedian Maxi Böhm . As the information on Buba’s laptop contains links to Lenny and Moritz (which would incriminate them), Moritz deletes the contents, feigning to the police that the contents are lost. Moritz finds Dan’s dealer, Jakob 'Buba' Otto and buys the entire stock of ecstasy in hopes that Dan will have none to offer Lisa with. Lenny deals with the possibility that his mother may replace him with a foster child when he passes, and Lisa and Dan deal with problems relating to stress and social status through therapy. And the beautiful thing is you can be who you want to be. And the beautiful thing is you can be who you want to be. This tension reaches breaking point when Lenny and Dan find news from Lisa that Kira and Moritz kissed (who Kira presumed was Lenny watching from car that Kira spotted) with Dan and Moritz also shocked when Lenny admits to telling Kira their involvement with MyDrugs. With no money going to his account after Moritz stopped his bitcoin address being linked, Lenny is forced to cancel the experimental treatment. Embarrassed to show his true self to her, Lenny uses Dan as his catfish on the date but she manages to spot Lenny regardless, with the date going well. [13] Production companies involved with the series were slated to consist of bildundtonfabrik. One of Lisa's friends at school, who takes a liking to Moritz. Guys with dreadlocks driving on a bike bumping reggae through their speakers. [19], "Netflix Tells us How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) With New Teaser Trailer", "Netflix's 'How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)'s' Creators on the New German Original", "How To Sell Drugs Online (Fast) - Season 2 is coming soon", "Netflix series "How to sell drugs online (almost)" continues", "Now loading... How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) coming to Netflix, July 21st", "How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast) season 3 renewed for Netflix", "Urteil rechtskräftig: Shiny Flakes-Admin schuldet Deutschland mehrere Millionen", "Deutsche Netflix-Serie "How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast)": Steckt Jan Böhmermann dahinter? [1] On 17 May 2019, the official trailer for the series was released by Netflix. Dan finds out his family is bankrupt and Lenny manages to get approved for the experimental therapy. Goodtimes stages a visit to Moritz, offering him a position in Rotterdam at the cost of losing Lenny and Dan. Moritz's father and North Rhine-Westphalian police officer. FREE Background Report. [13] On July 9, 2019, the series was renewed by Netflix for a second season, which was released on 21 July 2020. Luna Baptiste Schaller as Gerda Schwerdfeger. Lena Urzendowsky as Milena 'Kira' Bechtholz. Lisa’s parents find an ecstasy pill from the party last night and Lisa contacts Dan to assist in helping her. MyDrugs looks to go live on the clear web, and both Moritz and Lenny celebrate though a formal dinner. Julian Wittmann, Thomas Wittmann, Winfried Frey, The Mortuary - Jeder Tod hat eine Geschichte Trailer DF, Der Boandlkramer und die ewige Liebe Trailer DF, Ausgrissn! Fed up, Lenny leaves Moritz. Scared over the fact that she might leak their identities to the world, Moritz doxxes and discovers Kira's true identity, Milena Bechtholz, a runaway teen who blackmails porn addicts for bitcoins. Giving the 50,000 euros to the Albanian gang only cements them as valuable partners in Moritz's mind, asking a favour for them in making Dan pass biology and work with MyDrugs again. Kira and Lenny manage to rekindle after Kira admits to lying, with Lenny allowing Kira to work on the laundering scheme.
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