Great news: The "Summer in the City" in the Olympic Park will be extended until October 4! LaBrassBanda is set to deliver their unmistakable mix of ska, reggae, rock, techno, rap and soul sounds on their horns. Otto Waalkes does what he loves doing best: going on tour and playing the... Due to Covid-19, the "coolest" Cirque du Soleil show CRYSTAL has to be postponed to autumn/winter 2021 and will now... Due to the global COVID 19 pandemic, the entertainment giant has to postponed its upcoming tour by one season. Olympic Stadium. Seiler and Speer’s addictive brand of cool pop is unparalleled. in 7 tage. All... Due the Covid-19 pandemic, the return of the Night of Freestyle has to be postponed to February 2022. For December 2020 the two bands wanted to spread and live out their Bavarian-Austrian way of life throughout Germany. Both are currently at the spearhead of the local pop scene. In addition, one euro per ticket goes to the Munich art house cinemas. Kino am Olympiasee startet in die Saison 2020 . date originally planned for the end of March 2020 has been postponed to June 20, 2021 due to the... Due to the continuing ban on live events, the Ehrlich Brothers' already postponed dates will be rescheduled again. Due to the current situation their double headliner tour has to be cancelled. Die Sommerbühne im Stadion . What began as a revolution in the south of Germany, brought the whole republic and half the world to "Danzn" at the Eurovision Songcontest 2013. Jazzrausch Bigband • Open Air im Olympiapark • München. Die Sommerbühne im Stadion . Solidarity is even more important to us in these times than usual. We therefore had to adjust our ticket prices slightly. Outside Area. This year is not and will not be a good time for dancing: due to the ban on big events until the end of the year, the joint double headliner tour of LaBrassBanda and the Austrian Austro-Pop great Seiler und Speer has unfortunately to be cancelled. Die Bäder der Stadtwerke München bieten nicht nur Badespaß. Due to the distance regulation there are more than two thirds fewer seats than usual at Kino am Olympiasee. 73 talking about this. Oktober in die Verlängerung . 45. Outside Area. They set out to record some catchy Austro-Pop songs for the soundtrack of their successful "Horvathslos" multi-series on Austrian TV, and the rest is history. Warm summer evenings with exciting films: enjoy the beach feeling of the Olympiasee cinema, the romance of starry skies with Kino, Mond & Sterne, and more open-air film event Relaxed Summer Nights with super-comfy Deck Chairs and Outstanding Food & … WELCOME TO LUCKYLAND also in 2021! Aufgrund der aktuellen Lage muss ihre Double Headliner-Tour abgesagt werden. Samstag, 15 August 2020. The two top acts should have played seven dates in December throughout Germany, including Hamburg, Frankfurt, Cologne, Leipzig, Stuttgart, Berlin and Munich. Relaxed summer nights with super comfortable sun loungers and outstanding gastronomy in Munich's most beautiful park. 09/26/2020. Oktoberfestlauf mit Swimrun . Kino am Olympiasee startet in die Saison 2020 . Karten. Kino am Olympiasee starts the season 2020. Direkt zum Inhalt Shows und Tickets. Sie ermöglichen auch schöne Sommerabende bei Kino am Olympiasee! Let's Dance - Live-Tour 2020, Abgesagt! Coubertinpl. Mit der benutzung dieser Website akzeptieren Sie die, CHICKS* freies performancekollektiv ›You Don't Own Me‹, Michael Rettig ›Édouard Louis: Wer hat meinen Vater umgebracht‹, Konrad Stöckel - Umwelt - Wir und die Welt (um uns herum), Knedl & Kraut live in Pliening mit "Bayerische Weltreise", Stephan Bauer live in Tegernsee: Ehepaare kommen in den Himmel, Stephan Bauer live in Ramerberg Vor der Ehe wollt`ich ewig leben, Mittwochs Feierei - Wildes Wohnzimmer St. Pauli, Bravo Hits Night 2020 - Deine Jugend kommt zurück.
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