Caption 6, Die Pfefferkörner Cybermobbing - Part 1. Please do leave them untouched. Caption 6, Blumio Rappen für gute Unterhaltung. Note that if a noun follows the preposition auf, then the noun case should be accusative. Gegenwörter: [1] Bock haben, Lust haben. Everyone can go their own way whenever they aren't in the mood to be around the others, Caption 45, rheinmain Szene Selig - Part 2. Captions 28-29, 12 heißt: Ich liebe dich Kapitel 4: Liebe auf den ersten Blick - Part 4. Caption 10, CHoE Rocker Profi-Grilltipps, Sie hat Bock auf Shopping, also in die Stadt, She feels like shopping, so it's off to the city. [idiom] auf etw. nimmt also Bezug auf die Bedeutung Bock = Lust, die hier im nichtsexuellen Sinn verwendet wird. Die Redewendung "keinen Bock haben" gibt es - im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Redewendungen" - erst seit relativ kurzer Zeit. Bock haben [ugs.] However, the expression Bock haben auf or keinen Bock haben auf has a meaning quite different from what you might expect based on the direct translation of the noun! We are sorry for the inconvenience. to be up for sth. Безплатен езиков трейнър, глаголни таблици, функция произношение. Da habe ich Bock drauf. Gefundene Synonyme: (dankend) absagen, (dankend) abwinken, kein Interesse haben, kein Interesse zeigen, keine Lust haben, (sich) nicht interessiert zeigen, unmotiviert sein, (sich) wenig geneigt zeigen (zu), keinen Bock haben (auf), keinen Nerv haben, (einfach) nicht wollen, null Bock haben (auf), След като ги прехвърлите в езиковия трейнър, те ще са достъпни от всички устройства. (halt auf englisch) xDD . Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. The German noun der Bock means a mammal of the male gender, similar to the English word "buck," and is often particularly used to describe a male goat or "billy goat." Caption 6, Die Pfefferkörner Cybermobbing - Part 1. Вашето съобщение е изпратено до редакцията на ПОНС. Всички права запазени. Искате ли да добавите дума, израз или превод? I'm up for that. Jedes Mal, wenn du von deiner Arbeit, von deinen Führungen, nach Hause kommst, bist du fertig, hast keinen Bock mehr auf irgendwas. Bock (auf etwas) haben This phrase is a more colloquial way of saying ‘Lust (auf etwas) haben’ – to want to do something, to have the enthusiasm for something. ("ein geiler Bock", "auf etwas Bock haben"). Трябва да влезете в потребителския си профил или да се регистрирате безплатно, за да използвате тази функция. Every time when you come home from your work, from your tours, you are exhausted, don't want to do anything. Herkunft: von Romani: bokhajlem (hungrig geworden sein) Synonyme: [1] keine Lust haben. Hörbeispiele: keinen Bock haben Bedeutungen: [1] etwas nicht wollen, unmotiviert oder unwillig sein, etwas zu tun. keinen Bock haben; Sources: Ich habe keinen Bock / keine Lust mehr zu leben. You can also go to Yabla German and search for other examples using the noun der Bock to see other contexts where the phrase is used. Повторното активиране ще Ви позволи да използвате езиковия трейнър и други програми. : Other examples in context However, the expression Bock haben auf or keinen Bock haben auf has a meaning quite different from what you might expect based on the direct translation of the noun!. Blumio hat Bock auf gute Unterhaltung. keinen Bock haben: Letzter Beitrag: 28 Aug. 08, 14:12: Ich habe keinen Bock / keine Lust mehr zu leben. You may also use the phrase in the form of question, in which case auf becomes worauf: Caption 29, Mario Barth und Paul Panzer Männersache - Part 2. The German noun der Bock means a mammal of the male gender, similar to the English word "buck," and is often particularly used to describe a male goat or "billy goat." Hey, Nina, do you want to go out for a wurst? You may also use the phrase in the form of question, in which case auf becomes worauf: Caption 29, Mario Barth und Paul Panzer Männersache - Part 2. [Redewendung] I have no desire. Captions 28-29, 12 heißt: Ich liebe dich Kapitel 4: Liebe auf den ersten Blick - Part 4. Проверете превода немски-италиански на думата keinen Bock haben в онлайн речника на PONS тук! Caption 6, Blumio Rappen für gute Unterhaltung. Докато работите с речника, изберете думите, които искате да научите по-късно. Ich habe Bock auf’s essen. Further Learning Read the Duden dictionary page for der Bock and scroll down to Wendungen, Redensarten, Sprichwörter to read other expressions related to this noun. Caption 10, CHoE Rocker Profi-Grilltipps, Sie hat Bock auf Shopping, also in die Stadt, She feels like shopping, so it's off to the city. The German noun der Bock means a mammal of the male gender, similar to the English word "buck," and is often particularly used to describe a male goat or "billy goat." Ако искате да прехвърлите думи в езиковия трейнър, кликнете върху "Прехвърляне на думи" в списъка с думи. Translation for 'Ich habe keinen Bock auf ...' in the free German-English dictionary and many other English translations. When you use the expression as a negation, just place the accusative case of kein in front of the masculine noun Bock: Jeder kann so seiner Wege gehen, wenn er keinen Bock auf die anderen hat. When you use the expression as a negation, just place the accusative case of kein in front of the masculine noun Bock: Jeder kann so seiner Wege gehen, wenn er keinen Bock auf die anderen hat. The German noun der Bock means a mammal of the male gender, similar to the English word "buck," and is often particularly used to describe a male goat or "billy goat." idiom to be pissed off with everything [coll.]
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