A staunch opponent of Chancellor Angela Merkel's refugee policy after 2015,[2] Seehofer threatened to file a formal complaint with the Constitutional Court,[3] with the historic CDU/CSU alliance in danger of splitting and running against each other in the whole of Germany for the first time, but neither happened. Karin Seehofer. After Helmut Kohl lost his bid for a fifth term in the 1998 federal election, in the opposition Seehofer became deputy chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group of the Bundestag in October 1998, which was led at the time by Kohl's successor Wolfgang Schäuble. [39], In 2011, Seehofer took the debate further when he said those who wanted to stay in Germany should be ready to sign up to German values. 9 likes. On 1 July 2018, Seehofer rejected the agreement Merkel had obtained with EU countries as too little and declared his resignation during a meeting of his party's executive, but they refused to accept it. [36][37] As a result of the agreement, Seehofer agreed to not resign,[38] and to negotiate bilateral agreements with the specific countries himself. Aus der Ehe gingen drei Kinder hervor. Horst Seehofer Photos - Horst Seehofer and wife Karin attend the Opening Night of the Munich Film Festival 2014 at Mathaeser Filmpalast on June 27, 2014 in Munich, Germany. Seehofer was Federal Minister for Health and Social Security from 1992 to 1998 in the cabinet of Chancellor Helmut Kohl. [3] By early 2017, Seehofer reiterated his calls to lift the EU sanctions against Russia. Horst Lorenz Seehofer (født 4. juli 1949 i Ingolstadt, Bayern, Tyskland) er en tysk politiker, der siden marts 2018 har været landets indenrigsminister.Fra 1992 til 1998 var han social- og sundhedsminister i forbundsregeringen, og fra 2005 til 2008 var han minister for fødevarer, landbrug og forbrugerbeskyttelse. Federal Minister and Member of the Bundestag (1980–2008), Minister President of Bavaria (2008–2018). ". In June 2018, Seehofer backed down from a threat to bypass her in the disagreement over immigration policy until she would come back on July 1 from attempts to find a solution at European level. Karin Seehofer accompanies several groups of disabled children to the Oktoberfest. Because of his disagreement with CDU leader Angela Merkel on flat-rate contributions (Gesundheitsprämie) to the federal health insurance[9] he resigned from his leadership post in the parliamentary group on 22 November 2004 but remained deputy chairman of his party and kept his Bundestag seat. "[41] Seehofer later threatened to file a complaint against the government's refugee policy with Germany's Constitutional Court. It would have meant that the CSU would run for elections all over Germany and the CDU would run in Bavaria, which they have never done before. Under Seehofer's leadership, the State of Bavaria took to the Federal Constitutional Court in 2012 in order to dispute the legality of Germany's post-World War II system of financial redistribution among the country's 16 states. He proposed a change to the Bavarian Constitution so that the authorities in the state would be under obligation to help with the integration process but that minorities, too, should be prepared to actively support the integration process. Ben Hall and Chris Bryant (9 April 2009). After his party lost more than 17% of the popular vote in the Bavarian state elections of 2008, incumbent Minister-President Günther Beckstein and Chairman of the CSU, Erwin Huber, announced their resignations. September 2011: Schirmherrin des ersten Kinderpalliativzentrums in Bayern, Karin Seehofer erstes Ehrenmitglied des Freundeskreises, Augsburger-allgemeine.de: Eine Orchidee namens Seehofer, Förderverein Thomas-Wiser-Haus: Karin Seehofer ist Ehrenmitglied, Mittelbayerische.de: Karin Seehofer ist Ehrenmitglied, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Karin_Seehofer&oldid=187785553, Ehepartner des Bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2019-04, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, Seehofer, Karin Gabriele (vollständiger Name); Stark, Karin (Geburtsname), zweite Ehefrau des bayerischen Ministerpräsidenten Horst Seehofer. Nikolaus Blome, Peter Müller, Christian Neef, Ralf Neukirch and Christoph Schult (25 November 2014). [5] Eine weitere Orchideenzüchtung „Phalaenopsis Karin Gabriele Seehofer“ wurde anlässlich der Neu-Ulmer Orchideentage im Jahr 2012 nach ihrem vollständigen Namen benannt.
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