hyundai nexo range


Infatti non è solo una questione di alimentazione, ogni componente di Hyundai Nexo rispetta l’ambiente: pensiamo alle vernici e ai rivestimenti, che sono tutti materiali ecologici. (Lo sai che abbiamo creato un gruppo dedicato alle migliori offerte del Web su Facebook? Euro 6d-TEMP combines the lab test cycle WLTP with an additional on-road emission tests known as Real Driving Emissions or RDE. Hyundai’s Blind-spot View Monitor is an industry-first technology which utilises wide-angle rear-view cameras to show vehicles that are travelling in your blind spot. Recensione Completa, WonderFox HD Video Converter Factory Pro | Recensione Italiana, Avira Prime 2020 | Recensione Italiana Completa, Recensione Tranya Auricolari Wireless Bluetooth, Migliori Cuffie Bluetooth Economiche 2020. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Le caratteristiche migliori di questa macchina si misurano sicuramente nel reparto motore: elettrico, raggiunge 163 cv di potenza massima, con una velocità che può arrivare a 179 km/h e un’accelerazione da 0 a 100 km/h in 9,2 secondi. Reversing out of carparks just became easier. Combining the break lights, tail lights and indicators, this sleek design enhances visibility and heightens the horizon aesthetics. With clear aerodynamic lines, its streamlined exterior flows elegantly like water – the only emission. This means NEXO’s clean technology actually helps remove carbon emissions from the air while driving. The RSPA system can even back a NEXO into a parking spot by itself with a touch of a button from the driver. The all-new Nexo is a truly one-of-a-kind hydrogen fuel cell SUV that combines cutting-edge technology and futuristic design with fantastic driving range. Enjoy the extra peace of mind that one of the industry’s best warranties gives you – standard. Every bit as smart as it looks, NEXO puts all the latest integrated automotive tech at your fingertips, within the context of a luxurious, fully-appointed cabin and a futuristic and hyper-efficient design aesthetic. As you’d expect from such an environmentally-compatible vehicle, eco-friendly materials have been used wherever possible – to further reduce your footprint as you push forward. Hyundai is a pioneer in fuel cell technology, beginning R&D for it in 1998. An all-new innovation for Hyundai, Lane Following Assist (LFA) automatically adjusts steering to keep NEXO safety centered inside its lane when travelling between 0-145km/h on both highways and city streets. Offerte MediaWorld “Solo per oggi”: tanti smartphone, pc ed elettrodomestici, Smart TV Samsung in offerta su Euronics: solo per oggi un…, Unieuro Passione Casa 2020: tutte le offerte, Programma per Fotoritocco. The all-new Nexo was sculpted to stand out. Clicca qui per entrare nella nostra Community). Every bit as smart as it looks, NEXO puts all the latest integrated automotive tech at your fingertips, within the context of a luxurious, fully-appointed cabin and a futuristic and hyper-efficient design aesthetic. It’s all part of our belief that the future of motoring lies in hydrogen fuel cells. Better still, the efficient and durable air purifier filters remove 99.9% of micro-particulates. Ma da chi? When in reverse, the rear sensors are activated to monitor approaching traffic existing parking spots. ( Hyundai Nexo, Macchina ad idrogeno, macchina a idrogeno con range elevato) cATEGORIA NEWS, Motori, nuove tecnologie, Facci sapere cosa ne pensi lasciando un commento nella nostra Fan Page. Hyundai NEXO range. As the first company to mass produce a hydrogen-powered electric vehicle, we’re an official member of the global Hydrogen Council and are working with government to develop the necessary charging infrastructure. Usa le opzioni di Opt-out del tuo browser se vuoi disabilitare i cookie. It’s the sustainable future of driving, powered by human innovation. We are committed to playing our part in creating a sustainable, Earth-conscious future – where evolved vehicles co-exist with our environment while elevating our day-to-day lives. From the 12.5” screen, bridge-type center console and remote parking capabilities, these smart features ensure that the journey surpasses expectations. Deze elektrisch aangedreven SUV kan maar liefst 665 kilometer (volgens WLTP) afleggen op een volle tank waterstof. Meer weten over deze nieuwe Hyundai? All rights reserved. 2. Inflow of air is supplied to the fuel cell stack. Hydrogen fuel cells can be constantly sourced, emit nothing but pure water and offer high fuel efficiency and an ultra-quick refuelling time of five minutes. Interconnected safety technologies built into the all-new NEXO are designed to make you aware of everything going on around you – especially the hazards you haven’t yet seen – and provide steering assist, SmartSense™ is a demonstration of enduring safety that will extend far beyond today. 2021 Hyundai Nexo USA Range, MPG, Model. (Lo sai che abbiamo creato un gruppo dedicato ai Droni su Facebook? Cascading grille and horizon LED positioning lamps propel it forward, while thoughtful detailing give it a seamless look that complements its flowing, muscled outlines. Clicca qui per entrare nella nostra Community). The NEXO can autonomously park or retrieve itself from a parking space with or without a driver in the car. Enter your postcode to find your nearest dealer.

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