You couldn’t make it up; surely the German Comedy Ambassador Henning Wehn hasn’t bosched out yet another new show? “Wehn wraps his vowels around the issues of immigration and identity. Henning Wehn Date of birth: 10-04-1974 A London-based German comedian, Wehn has been performing as the self-styled 'German Comedy Ambassador' since 2003, playing on the English stereotype of Germans as humourless Nazis, obsessed with efficiency. He’s complaining… 17/08/2011. £24.50- £15 (plus £1.15 per ticket online, £1.35 per ticket over the phone). Register ... We will send you email alerts every time one of your favourite artists goes on tour. We are sure that you will understand this decision and please be assured that we will let you know the rearranged date as soon as we are possibly able to. We are currently listing 3,351 upcoming comedy events. By continuing past this page, you agree to our terms of use. The Queen's Hall Address: 85-89 Clerk Street Edinburgh EH8 9JG. The show is a much-needed call to arms during which he'll tell you to stop pondering and hand-wringing, but instead to get on your bike and put your face to the grindstone! Age Guidance 16+ Book Tickets. Beginners Guide To German Humour. Henning’s most recent television and radio appearances include “Live At The Apollo” BBC2, “Have I Got News For You” BBC1, “Would I Lie To You” BBC1, “8 Out Of Cats Does Countdown” Channel 4, “Fighting Talk” BBC Radio 5 Live and “The Unbelievable Truth” BBC Radio 4. This show is a much needed call to arms. The self-styled 'German Comedy Ambassador in London', Henning Wehn is a regular guest on the British comedy television programme 'FAQ U' and has appeared on the BBC Radio 5 Live radio show 'Fighting Talk ', where he is 'in it, to win it', as well as two appearances on Radio 4's 'The Unbelievable Truth'. We are sorry to announce that in line with UK Theatres and SOLT guidance, we have taken the decision to temporarily postpone all events in the theatre at Hackney Empire. And he triumphs at it” The Times. Thousand Years of German Humour All rights reserved. Chortle had 94,299 unique users in the seven days to October 1. And what’s he still doing here anyway? Venue: Isle Of Man Gaiety Theatre and Villa Marina And what’s he still doing here anyway? Join German Comedy Ambassador Henning Wehn for an evening of Teutonic jolliness at its best in his latest show, Get On with It, which will run from February through November 2019. You couldn’t make it up; surely the German Comedy Ambassador Henning Wehn hasn’t bosched out yet another new show? Contact: +44 (0)131 668 2019. Henning Wehn: No Surrender. We thank you for your understanding and patience; please be careful, safe and kind at this difficult time. Show starts: 19:30 (Doors open approx 30 mins earlier), DVD (2014) Henning’s most recent television and radio appearances include Live at the Apollo, Have I Got News For You, Would I Lie to You, Fighting Talk and The Unbelievable Truth. Chortle. Well, his lack of transferable skills is what keeps him here and his belief that practise makes perfect is what keeps him going. Henning Wehn. Henning Wehn: My Struggle. He regularly appears with fellow German performer Otto Kuhnle, and their show 1000 Years Of German Humour was nominated for the Barry Award at the 2009 Melbourne Comedy Festival. Price: £21.50 We do not currently hold contact details for Henning Wehn's agent. Listen, everyone: stop pondering and hand-wringing. The well-being and safety of our staff, customers and partners is paramount, and postponing these events is the best way to protect our community’s health. What better way to mark St George’s Day than in the… 25/04/2008. Date: Wed 21 Oct 2020 If you are a comic or agent wanting your details to appear on Chortle, click here. Your tickets will be automatically transferred to this date. Performing stand-up in a second language is ‘a right… 25/08/2010. Approximate running time: 2 hours with Interval, No photography or filming during the show, Hackney Empire, 291 Mare Street, London, United Kingdom, E8 1EJ, 19 Mar 2020 rescheduled to 12 Feb 2021 7:30pm. You couldn’t make it up; surely the German Comedy Ambassador Henning Wehn hasn’t bosched out yet another new show? Henning Wehn is not a happy German. Performance dates and tickets for HENNING WEHN - GET ON WITH IT. Register Now Chortle relies on advertisers to fund this website so itâs free for you, so we would ask that you disable it for this site. Website and all original content copyright © Chortle 2000 - 2020. This show is a much needed call to arms. About Henning Wehn Join German Comedy Ambassador Henning Wehn for an evening of Teutonic jolliness at its best in his latest show, Get On with It, which will run from February through November 2019. View on a map Our ads are non-intrusive and relevant. He was a regular on the Channel 4 show FAQ U in 2005, as well as Radio 5 Live sporting panel show Fighting Talk. Instead get on your bike and put your face to the grindstone! This means that Henning Wehn: Get On With It will no longer take place on 19 Mar has been rescheduled to Fri 12 Feb 2021 at 7.30pm . If you need any clarity on this please contact This means that Henning Wehn: Get On With It will no longer take place on 19 Mar has been rescheduled to Fri 12 Feb 2021 at 7.30pm .
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