For the next 200 years, there was struggle over whether the King (or Queen) of England should be "Roman Catholic" or "Protestant". It absorbed the kingdoms of Kent and Sussex in 825. England was defeated at the Battle of Formigny in 1450 and finally at the Battle of Castillon in 1453, retaining only a single town in France, Calais. The kingdom had little time to recover before entering the Wars of the Roses (1455–1487), a series of civil wars over possession of the throne between the House of Lancaster (whose heraldic symbol was the red rose) and the House of York (whose symbol was the white rose), each led by different branches of the descendants of Edward III. The UK holds a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, and is a member of the G8, NATO, World Trade Organization and the Commonwealth of Nations. The empire was sometimes called 'the empire on which the sun never sets', which describes a large empire where the sun is always shining on at least one of its territories. The decline of Mercia allowed Wessex to become more powerful. The English were more anxious about the royal succession. This is not the whole island of Ireland. In the Norman period Rex Anglorum remained standard, with occasional use of Rex Anglie ("King of England"). [1] [2] [3] Den delar landgränser med Skottland i norr och Wales i väster, Irländska sjön ligger i nordväst, Keltiska havet i sydväst, medan Nordsjön i öster och Engelska kanalen söderut skiljer den från kontinentala Europa. Around 66 million people live in the UK (2018). The UK is a parliamentary democracy based on a constitutional and hereditary monarchy. The counties of England were established for administration by the Normans, in most cases based on earlier shires established by the Anglo-Saxons. Titlen dronning (og konge) af England er ikke blevet brugt siden 1707 og er egentlig ukorrekt. A very short-lived Council of the West also existed for the West Country between 1537 and 1540. Wikipedia is a free online encyclopedia, created and edited by volunteers around the world and hosted by the Wikimedia Foundation. The Acts of Union created a customs union and monetary union and provided that any "laws and statutes" that were "contrary to or inconsistent with the terms" of the Acts would "cease and become void". England has remained in political unity ever since. After this, the history of England becomes the history of Great Britain and United Kingdom. In 827, Northumbria submitted to Egbert of Wessex at Dore, briefly making Egbert the first king to reign over a united England. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, simply called the United Kingdom (UK), Great Britain or just Britain, is a sovereign country. When Queen Elizabeth I died, she had no children, and in 1603 James VI of Scotland (the son of Mary, Queen of Scots) became King James I of England. Today, the Prime Minister is Boris Johnson, who is the leader of the Conservative party and was not directly elected by the people of the country. England was named after a Germanic tribe called the "Angles", who settled in Central, Northern, and Eastern England in the 5th and 6th centuries. There are also many other big cities in England including Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Bristol and Newcastle upon Tyne. The House of Commons is the most powerful part. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Wales was incorporated into the Kingdom of England, and henceforth was represented in the Parliament of England. The parliament in London now included Scottish Members of Parliament ("MPs"), and was called the Parliament of Great Britain. Canute the Great, a Dane, was the first to call himself "King of England". by Æthelweard Latinized Anglia, from an original Anglia vetus, the purported homeland of the Angles (called Angulus by Bede). The Council of Wales and the Marches, administered from Ludlow Castle, was initially established in 1472 by Edward IV of England to govern the lands held under the Principality of Wales[21] and the bordering English counties. During the Hundred Years' War an English identity began to develop in place of the previous division between the Norman lords and their Anglo-Saxon subjects. The UK also rules, usually indirectly, a number of smaller places (mostly islands) round the world, which are known as overseas territories. The capital city of England is London. The standard title for monarchs from Æthelstan until John was Rex Anglorum ("King of the English"). Some people in England speak other languages, such as Welsh. He made Protestantism the official church in England. From this time the kingdom of England, as well as its successor state the United Kingdom, functioned in effect as a constitutional monarchy. The UK is north-west off the coast of mainland Europe. Under the Instrument of Government executive power lay with a Lord Protector (an office to be held for the life of the incumbent) and there were to be triennial Parliaments, with each sitting for at least five months. [16] At its height in 1922, more than 458 million people lived in the British Empire, one-fifth of the Earth's population. A party with more than half the seats (a majority) forms the government; the leader of the party becomes the Prime Minister, who then appoints other ministers. [16] Members of Parliament (called MPs) were elected, but until the early twentieth century, only men who owned property could vote.
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