LEVEL UP YOUR LIFE with 1:1 guidance -> EMBODY YOUR MAGIC IN 2020 https://mailchi.mp/0610e73e16b2/embodyyourmagic 72 | NEW MOON in ARIES, Saturn in Aquarius + MAJOR CHANGES ahead! Connect with Kathi: Yes they have incredible potential for an amazing shift towards your purpose, BUT they also cause CHAOS, TRANSFORMATION & DISCOMFORT. xoxo Deeper Meaning of the Saturn Pluto Conjunction You Tube Video How You Receive Energy Updates Right Now IGTV FREE PURPOSE TRAINING: https://mailchi.mp/cc6ab8dece80/free-purpose-training JOIN LIVE for the Human Design Intro Masterclass: https://elopage.com/s/katharinahillenberg/human-design-masterclass Deeper Meaning of the Saturn Pluto Conjunction You Tube Video 102 | MARS Retrograde PREPARATION: how to stay CALM in the STORM & understand the message behind ANGER, JUDGEMENT & CRITICISM | Inner Child Healing JOIN the ABRACADABRA ASTROLOGY SCHOOL & find out more about the 3 SCHOOL LEVELS! Deeper Meaning of the Saturn Pluto Conjunction You Tube Video Location équipement complet de via ferrata pour les pratiquants autonomes (baudrier-casque et longes). _ In addition to that Venus, the planet of love, money and creativity also moves over the Galactic Center on Saturday November 23 (the day when I have a very special present for you :-) )! NOW open with LIMITED SPOTS: EMBODY YOUR MAGIC IN 2020 https://mailchi.mp/0610e73e16b2/embodyyourmagic Let's play with the universe the GAME called LIFE! And it’s safe to say that the structures of this world are faced with a HUGE trauma in many ways. GET YOUR 2020 ASTROLOGY PLANNER HERE: https://www.blurb.com/b/9789313-astrology-2020-planner-the-new-decade-of-magic Do you feel stuck? > BTS, DM me & more magic on IG here> FB Lives, downloads from the universe & so much more here > BTS, DM me & more magic on IG here LIMITED CYBER WEEKEND PRICE GET YOUR 2020 ASTROLOGY PLANNER HERE: https://www.blurb.com/b/9789313-astrology-2020-planner-the-new-decade-of-magic More content on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZy80wVyVM-nDIn1CEkjdWQ/videos GET YOUR 2020 ASTROLOGY PLANNER HERE: https://www.blurb.com/b/9789313-astrology-2020-planner-the-new-decade-of-magic Read the matching IG post: https://www.instagram.com/p/B2bJqH9IWs1/ Chances are, this is an experience MANY people can relate to in 2020, right? Sponsorships: off for this episode As a Capricorn Rising with the North Node, Uranus & Neptune in her 1st house, Leona had to go through a MAJOR transformation AND her Saturn Return in Aquarius at the same time. YOU ARE INVITED: JOIN THE FREE PURPOSE BEFORE 2020 TRAINING: https://abracadabrababy.lpages.co/free-find-your-purpose-before-2020-training/ More content on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZy80wVyVM-nDIn1CEkjdWQ/videos Listen to the Rebirth of Venus Podcast _ Tune in, get inspired & connect with Nina! Connect with Kathi: And that means that all the major eclipse points will be illuminated by him as well. ✨GET YOUR ASTRO MANIFESTATION FORMULA: https://youtu.be/mHRduKKlwKY ✨ This album was released in Germany on vinyl, cassette and CD, however it failed to chart. > BTS, DM me & more magic on IG here> FB Lives, downloads from the universe & so much more here, 68 | the FEMININE POWER in your Birth Chart: Lilith Astrology with Adama | Chiron + Lilith in Aries | Chiron Lilith Conjunction 2020, Feminine energy has been suppressed for a long time. _ Yes, the universe doesn't play around. Leo Season just FLEW BY!! _ Connect with Kathi: And ends with a BANG - aka a NEW MOON in conjunction with the ruler of our collective destiny, Mercury!! Book your Human Design Reading here not sure about YOUR MAGIC? Connect with Kathi: After Virgo season it is a non-negotiable to have your daily practice that strengthens your connection to your higher self and the divine. xoxo Kathi YouTube Video on Saturn + Depression BOOK a READING with me --> I'd love to guide you! Click for more content on YouTube Kathi More content on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZy80wVyVM-nDIn1CEkjdWQ/videos Join me in this episode to learn more about the energy we are faced with right now. Ein alter Beduine saß auf einer Düne, biß in die Zechine und sprach in Shalah: "Oh Effendi, man nennt mich Hadschehal Ifibrahim. Connect with Kathi: 46 | NEW MOON in SAGITTARIUS starts the BIGGEST ADVENTURE of your life - BUT DO YOU MISS YOUR FLIGHT? _ + SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! The universe doesn't know the concept of time, it only knows energy. Connect with Kathi: LEVEL UP YOUR LIFE with 1:1 guidance -> EMBODY YOUR MAGIC IN 2020 https://mailchi.mp/0610e73e16b2/embodyyourmagic "We need to DREAM in order to WAKE UP!" Kathi Join the FREE 4-Day Magic Energy Makeover Experience: http://bit.ly/Magic-Energy-Makeover-Experience ♥ Step in Your Magic! Obviously these are questions I am OBSESSED with and so it is my honour and pleasure to have Jessica on the podcast today. How You Receive Energy Updates Right Now IGTV _ These transits are not always easy and in her case came with a long period of depression, anxiety and questioning the purpose of life. Join me in this episode to learn how, so you can sprinkle the world with your Magic. And all of these events were important (and still are) - BUT, we don't exaggerate when we label the SOLAR ECLIPSE IN CANCER as THE most powerful energy portal of 2020!! Today I have THE OG Abundance Queen on the show: Jenna Black aka The Abundant Boss! Why? --> this is for you! At the same time every individual experiences their own crisis personally too. more infos on the JUPITER PLUTO 2020 WEBINAR: https://www.instagram.com/p/B-xX6OdhNF4/ Connect with Kathi: > BTS, DM me & more magic on IG here > FB Lives, downloads from the universe & so much more here. More content on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZy80wVyVM-nDIn1CEkjdWQ/videos FREE PURPOSE TRAINING: https://mailchi.mp/cc6ab8dece80/free-purpose-training Connect with Kathi: ✨GET YOUR ASTRO MANIFESTATION FORMULA: https://youtu.be/mHRduKKlwKY ✨ Pluto (the planet of transformation, revealing, changing, shedding layers) went DIRECT on Oct 3rd, Mercury (the planet of communication + mental games) entered Scorpio (the sign that rules Pluto!) _ BOOK a READING with me --> I'd love to guide you! 'Cause Life is truly MAGICAL once you cracked your own COSMIC CODE! Now, the transition into this mysterious and exciting age is not linear, but gradual.
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