Trump retweeted the comment just hours after he attended Memorial Day services - without a mask. “For years patients have been shocked to receive unexpected bills for thousands of dollars they never agreed to,” he said. The president turned on his election rival as he addressed a crowd of his loyal supporters in Pennsylvania last night. Please let us know if you're having issues with commenting. Trump yesterday defended overseeing the world’s highest coronavirus death toll, saying 200,000 Americans amounted to "doing it right" because the mortality rate could potentially have been far higher. President Donald Trump vowed Thursday to protect the ability for Americans to buy health insurance, even if they had pre-existing health conditions. The president explained that although he “inherited” Obamacare, he was able to adjust it and even make it unrecognizable after getting rid of the individual mandate. The president expressed his frustration that Democrats continued to campaign on the idea that Republicans and President Trump would eliminate preexisting conditions. Trump added that he’d had “tremendous Republican support" for his potential nominee despite Democratic cries to leave the seat open until after the election. “Joe Biden won’t be doing this.”. I've got to keep some mystery in my life.". 9 Donald Trump poked fun at Joe Biden as he addressed supporters in Pittsburgh Credit: AFP or licensors The president also spoke about reducing the costs of prescription drugs by making sure that America was paying the same price as other countries by getting rid of the “favored nation clause” – a project that Trump has frequently discussed throughout his presidency. He noted that the coronavirus pandemic increased the numbers of American patients using the option of telehealth, especially after his administration expanded coverage for telehealth appointments. However, he then said: “I think it’s a shame. Biden's campaign team have not responded to the claims about plastic surgery. However, he then added: "I mean honestly, what the hell did he spend all that money on the plastic surgery if he's going to cover it up with a mask.". He confirmed he would release his pick to fill the seat vacated following the death of late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Saturday. Another part of his plan to reduce costs, he explained, was a plan to end surprise medical billing. He thanked Senator Mitt Romney, R-Utah, for expressing support in moving forward with a Trump nominee to the court, noting that Romney had voted to impeach the president on one of two counts. The president also announced that he would create Medicare plans the would cap insulin costs at $35 a month. The president outlined the three pillars of his plan: more choice, reduced costs, and better care for Americans. The president said he would develop plans for 60 percent less, opening up short-term insurance plans that could be short term customized plans, and even make insurance premiums tax-deductible. “Any health care reform legislation that comes to my desk from Congress must protect the preexisting conditions or I will not sign it,” Trump said. He did not mention Republican’s failed attempt to repeal and replace Obamacare but said that any future health care would have to cover pre-existing conditions. He said that the cost savings by ending the favored nations clause would help pay for the program. “Through these and other reforms we are putting American patients back in charge and we’re putting them first,” Trump said. “If we win, we will have a better and less expensive plan that will always protect individuals with pre-existing conditions,” he promised. They say the 77 year old began to look noticeably different during the 2008 campaign and also shortly before he launched his bid to become the Democratic presidential nominee last year. The president went on: "The question is will he leave it on during the debate?". He targeted the Democrat on the day it was revealed 200,000 people have now been killed by the coronavirus in the US. The president outlined the three pillars of his plan: more choice, reduced costs, and better care for Americans. The president also acknowledged the fact that his administration was supporting a court case to overturn Obamacare, calling it an “ill-conceived plan” that was still too expensive.
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