deborah trepte


He then played parts in films such as "Guten Morgen, Herr Grothe" (2008) and "Ihr könnt euch niemals sicher sein" (2009), for each of which he was awarded a Grimme-Preis and for the latter also the special award for best leading actor at the Baden Baden television film festival. By clicking the Download button, you accept the responsibility for using unreleased content (including obtaining any clearances required for your use) and agree to abide by any restrictions. Your Getty Images representative will discuss a renewal with you. No other rights or warranties are granted for comp use. Too many images selected. Select 100 images or less to download. final materials distributed inside your organisation, any materials distributed outside your organisation, any materials distributed to the public (such as advertising, marketing). [12] The short film The Last Will by Dustin Loose based on the eponymous short story by Swedish bestselling author Håkan Nesser,[13] It was a Finalist for Foreign Film at the Student Academy Awards in 2015. [4] He did not receive formal drama training and began his acting career at the age of twelve when he appeared in the German television mini-series Beim nächsten Coup wird alles anders (2001). You are welcome to use content from the Getty Images site on a complimentary basis for test or sample (composite or comp) use only, for up to 30 days following download. Protect your creative work – we’ll remove this image from our site for as long as you need it. The following assets contain unreleased and/or restricted content. Ludwig Trepte (born 17 May 1988 in East Berlin)[2] is a German television and film actor best known internationally for a leading role as Viktor Goldstein in Generation War (2013) and for his prominent role as Alex Edel in the German miniseries Deutschland 83 (2015). HAMBURG, GERMANY - FEBRUARY 27: Deborah Trepte and Ludwig Trepte attend the Goldene Kamera 2015 on February 27, 2015 in Hamburg, Germany. Approvals and clearances are based on the intended use. The EZA account is not a licence. All limited-use licences come in the largest size available. Deborah Trepte and Ludwig Trepte attend the Hugo Boss Exhibition 'A personal touch' on February 5, 2014 in Berlin, Germany. Accessing the content may take some time and may be subject to additional fees. Deborah Trepte and Ludwig Trepte Friday 27th February 2015, Goldene Kamera Awards 2015 - Arrvials (3 Pictures) In the youth drama Outta Control in 2008, he played the role of a behavioral adolescent,[7] for which he again in 2009 received the Grimme-Preis. Your team's Premium Access agreement is expiring soon. They feel the need to always be surrounded by love and beauty, turned to the material world, hedonism, and physical pleasures. In order to finalise your project with the material you downloaded from your EZA account, you need to secure a licence. With Market-freeze, you can rest easy knowing we’ll remove this image from our site for as long as you need it, with custom durations and total buyouts available. print, commercial broadcast, film, digital). [8], Ludwig Trepte received international attention in 2013 as 'Viktor Goldstein' in the three-part TV movie Generation War (or 'Our Mothers, Our Fathers' in Germany). The film was awarded in 2014 with the international Emmy in the category TV Movie / Mini-Series. [2], "Ludwig Trepte hat alles. The IBM strategic repository for digital assets such as images and videos is located at His father is Stephan Trepte who was a member of the East German rock group Lift,[3] Electra and Reform. Please carefully review any restrictions accompanying the Licensed Material on the Getty Images website and contact your Getty Images representative if you have a question about them. Download premium images you can't get anywhere else. [6] In director Christoph Röhl's film Ein Teil von mir ('A Part of Me') he played a reserved, amiable and out of responsibility for his child, stealing very young man who has surprisingly become a father. Anyone in your organisation can use it an unlimited number of times for up to 15 years, worldwide, with uncapped indemnification. Frau, Kind, starke Rollen", "Stephan und Ludwig Trepte: Im gleichen Haus", "TV-Star Ludwig Trepte: Überraschung! 3188 x 4781 px (26.99 x 40.48 cm) - 300 dpi - 6 MB. [9] In 2013, he stood in front of the camera for the eight-part Danish television series 1864, which revolves around the defeat of Denmark in the German-Danish War of 1864. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images). Er wird wieder Papa", "Author Beate Langmaack and Actor Ludwig Trepte pose at the Adolf...", "Ihr könnt euch niemals sicher sein, TV Movie, 2008, Crew United", "Germany's 'Generation War' mini-series wins International Emmy , DW , 25.11.2014", "Schauspieler Ludwig Trepte: „Ich tauge nicht zum Prinzen, "„Bornholmer Straße"-Stars Ludwig Trepte und Frederick: Die Mauer steht noch zwischen uns", "Nerdly » 'The Spiderwebhouse (Im Spinnwebhaus)' Review", "Erledigung einer Sache - aug&ohr medien", "„Tannbach" geht weiter: Die Grenze wird zur Mauer, auch in den Köpfen", "Tigermilch: Die Kritik zum Film, vor dem gewarnt werden muss", "11 Fakten, die man zum Wett-Thriller „Spielmacher" wissen muss", "New German film could be called, 'Just Following Orders: The Movie,, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, (Short),based on the eponymous short story by author, Christian Jareis 2001/ Baris Sahin 2008/ Lars Leroux 2011/ Erik Trimborn 2015, TV Mini-Series, 3 episodes Known in Germany as, 2006: Won - Best Young Actor at the 27th Film Festival, This page was last edited on 4 September 2019, at 07:01.

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