RELATED: 5 Of The Best Modded Followers In Skyrim (& 5 Of The Worst). Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). swords. would make my day if someone could make some Scimitars/Curved swords that don't look as stupid as the vanilla Skyrim. No crime goes unpunished in the land of Skyrim. and the "FUS RO DAH" meme. Apart from the "never should have come here!" All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If you accept this opportunity to be able to transform into a big bad wolf, you'll open up a can of new dialogue options for the guards of Skyrim to say to you, which is that silly question above. So, in case you've forgotten how much of a gutbuster Bethesda's game was, here are 10 hilarious quotes from NPCs. 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The Elder Scrolls IV: Knights of the Nine,, If the scimitar is the second weapon to be placed on a. RELATED: Skyrim: 5 Times The Writing Was Good (And 5 Times It Fell Flat). they should tweak a mod to allow some come-backs, like -, "Its not the shape, its how you swing it", Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods. The skyrim community on Reddit. Makes me smile, every time :-). As it turns out, even the guards of Skyrim don't want to intervene with that sort of operation and mentality. If you have a console and enter the command coc qasmoke, you too can have your very own curved sword. 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Not sure if anyone has brought this up yet but whenever a female guard says the "curved swords" line, near the end of it it sounds like the voice actress is trying not to laugh. Sadly, there's no "Duh" reply, so you'll have to get creative with your Dragonborn shouts instead. Summary: ... "The one with the curved sword? Community content is available under. Curved Swords RunTheJewels. Added First of all, they are big, fat and cartoonish looking. However, there are several locations where one may be found: Though the scimitar cannot be forged by the Dragonborn, it can be upgraded with a steel ingot at a grindstone, and also benefits from the Steel Smithing perk, which doubles the improvement. As that line is used a ' few ' times ..... Oh yeah, it's the actress who does the voice of Mjoll the Lioness and others. Know Your Meme is an advertising supported site and we noticed that you're using an ad-blocking solution. RELATED: 10 Things You Learn Playing Skyrim For The First Time.
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