Mit viel 36. Der Name kommt von der Haus-Nr. Currywurst is mostly cut into slices and served with chips (French fries) or bread on a paper plate. Web site. Along with your currywurst, you can enjoy Belgian-style fries made from an organic and regional variety of potatoes. Sorry, an error occurred and your subscription request could not be processed. Doused with ample amounts of curry, the sausage had an almost silky texture to it. Currywurst is a popular fast food variation of a barbecued or scalded (and then deep-fried) sausage that is served with a sauce based on ketchup or tomato paste and curry powder. Am 21.1.1959 war der historische Tag, an dem die Eintragung der legendären Currywurst Soße – erfunden von Herta Heuwer - im Patentamt erfolgte. No it is really good, but good in tbe sense that I'm gonna need something to eat while queuing for mustafas. Curry 36 is another very popular Imbiss and the sight of my introduction to Currywurst during my first trip to Berlin in 2009. . Please enter your e-mail address here to get an auto notification about a new published post. This includes personalizing content and advertising. Einige Imbissstände kreieren sogar ihre eigene Ketchup- oder Tomatensauce und es gibt vermutlich auch Currypulver-Abweichungen. Herta Heuwer war sehr erfolgreich in ihrem Geschäft. Plus use our free tools to find new customers. Open into the wee hours, this snack bar, nay, “legendary institution” serves up fresh-off-the-grill sausages smeared with plenty of sauce. The sausage is usually served with a gleaming portion of French fries or a brötchen (bread roll). Alle Beiträge können auf Englisch und Deutsch gelesen werden. Dann melde dich heute noch für den Top10 Newsletter an und erhalte die besten Empfehlungen für schöne Berlin Erlebnisse ganz einfach per E-Mail. Where can I eat the best currywurst? Subscribe and get our free guide to "101 Ways to Save in Europe", Your subscription request has been received. Das Original. Alle, die Bio-Produkte mögen, werden die Currywurst bei „Witty´s“ in Schöneberg lieben. I know, I know, every guide book mentions this place—and for a good reason. According to the Currywurst Museum, the snack was invented by Berlin street vendor Herta Heuwer. Since 2003 (4 years after Herta Heuwer passed away – she would have been 100 years old then) there is a commemorative plaque for her at Kantstraße 101, the place where her snack bar had been. Ziervogel’s Kult-Curry. Currywurst is mostly cut into slices and served with chips (French fries) or bread on a paper plate. The connection all the way down to the currywurst made sense. You can eat the snack with a plastic fork – or more common chip fork. Bitte scrollen. Eigentlich soll die Gastronomin Herta Heuwer diejenige sein, die die Currywurst erfunden hat, aber ob das nun stimmt oder nicht, es soll wohl jedenfalls in Berlin in der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg gewesen sein. Inspired by American soldiers eating steaks with ketchup, a certain Frau Herta Heuwer invented it in 1949 from her sausage stand at Kantstrasse 101 (where a memorial to her legacy shares the address with an Asian supermarket today). Den letzten Imbiss, den ich erwähnen möchte, ist Krasselt’s, auch in Berlin-Steglitz liegend. *Geben Sie die Zeichen ein, die im Bild gezeigt werden.Absenden. The Currywurst Museum, which recently ended a 10 year run in Berlin to start a traveling museum, estimates there are 800 million portions of currywurst eaten in Germany every year and 70 million portions eaten annually in Berlin alone. Actually the restaurateur Herta Heuwer is said to be the one who invented the currywurst, but whether this is true or not, it should be definitely in Berlin in the time after the Second World War. Photo: E.I. You can read all posts in English and German. don't burn your mouth on the pommes! Post-World War II Germany was a dire, ruined and impoverished country, particularly in Berlin. Try it out if you are visiting! In Berlin isst man die Wurst „mit oder ohne Darm“. The British also had a mix of Indian spices, and through an unknown series of events, Heuwer started sprinkling the spices over the ketchup. Du möchtest regelmäßig von Top10 Berlin mit vielen Informationen zu Gewinnspielen und zum Stadtleben in Berlin informiert werden? Currywurst is a street-food favorite made of pork and served either mit (with) or ohne darm (without skin). Every currywurst spot has its own sauce and it’s usually a big secret.” Hampl said it took him six months of experimenting with the sauce to get it right. You can enjoy it on top of the famous TV Tower at Alexanderplatz or right at Tegel airport when you arrive. Diese zweite Filiale ist sehr viel kleiner, aber auch oft nicht so voll wie die Hauptfiliale. “Without intestine” is maybe more back to the roots because in the postwar years natural intestines were rare and sausage sellers had to find another solution for their business, but I think, “with intestine” is far more tasty because it’s more crisply, with an edge. Definitely ate better & cheaper, Holy shit get your ass down here now. Besides different types of sausages the Zigeunersalat (“gypsy salad”, more a spicy-fruity sauce than a salad) is a real bestseller that brought the snackbar chain to this popularity. Download Foursquare for your smart phone and start exploring the world around you! And if you order in advance, you can indulge in a currywurst from 30,000ft on Air Berlin. You can find it at fast food joints, street-side kiosks, and even ordinary restaurants across the city. 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