currenta standorte


Apart from the phase analysis, X-ray Powder Diffraction additionally allows, for example in the case of catalysts, to determine crystallite sizes up to the nanometre range from the broadening of the peaks. This method is based on the reflection of X-ray resulting from the interaction between X-rays and electrons of atoms. Broad range of analytical methods: We offer a wide range of methods and develop made-to-measure solutions to meet every requirement. A powder diffraction pattern is formed as a function of angle of incident X-ray beam and measured radiation intensity which is characteristic for each substance and acts as a unique "fingerprint". Our analytics expertise covers the entire analytical process chain – from the very start of your research and development projects and the testing of raw materials and feedstocks to release analyses for your end products. We are committed to continuing to perform your analyses with the usual reliability.For further information on your order status or availability of analyses, please contact us by phone or e-mail. 2.9.33 or USP 941. Different polycrystalline structures of certain active substance are distinguished by unique powder pattern or compared with a sample determined as a reference. By X-ray Diffraction (XRD), crystals are also investigated to determine the atomic three-dimensional structure of a molecule by means of the specific reflection of the X-ray beam. Die Currenta GmbH & Co. OHG ist Manager und Betreiber der drei CHEMPARK-Standorte Leverkusen, Dormagen und Krefeld-Uerdingen. We ensure the consistently high quality of our test results through regular participation in international round robin tests. For further information on your order status or availability of analyses, please contact us by phone or e-mail. The phase analysis on pharmaceutical samples can be performed under moisture, in air, in an inert gas or in a vacuum. CURRENTA offers a whole host of analytical services for pharmaceutical production. Optionally, the absolute configuration of the molecule can be determined. Thank you for your continued trust in this extraordinary time! With their many years of experience and wide-ranging specialist knowledge, CURRENTA Analytics experts will help you successfully launch your product in compliance with national, European and international requirements. Phone: +49 214 30 33 777 E-Mail: These mega nests are where certain species of Pokemon spawn in … E-Mail. Das ehemalige Geschäftsfeld Technische Dienstleistungen mit rund 1.200 Mitarbeitern wurde zum 1. We use a whole host of methods geared to your requirements to analyze the various materials such as polymers, rubber, polyurethanes and coating systems (including the additives, active ingredients, metals and ceramics they contain). Thank you for your continued trust in this extraordinary time! We can help you identify your polymorphic active ingredients and excipients including hydrates, solvates and amorphous forms, and provide XRPD analyzes even under regulated conditions such as GMP and according to monograph Ph. You can rely on our expertise from many years of experience in the industry. Our laboratories continue to operate! Currenta betreibt für Bayer, Lanxess, Covestro und andere Partnerunternehmen die Ausbildung junger Menschen. Phone: +49 214 30 33 777 E-Mail: Find the shiny Pokemon you've been wanting by visiting one of the mega nests we listed below! Polycrystalline and amorphous materials are analysed non-destructively using the X-ray Diffraction method (XRD). For further information on your order status or availability of analyses, please contact us by phone or e-mail. Phone: +49 214 30 33 777 E-Mail: Phone: +49 214 30 33 777 E-Mail: X-ray Powder Diffraction is also widely used in drug discovery for the characterization of polymorphism. The composition of an unknown sample or a mixture is identified by using a database with known compounds. Das Joint Venture von Bayer und LANXESS bietet den 70 angesiedelten CHEMPARK-Partnern auf rund elf Quadratkilometern mehr als 1.000 chemienahe Dienstleistungen an. Qualitative Powder Diffraction / Polymorphism (GMP XRPD), Quantitative Powder Diffraction by Rietveld, Temperature and humidity controlled X-ray Powder DiffractionTemperature and humidity controlled X-ray Powder Diffraction, Preventive measures concerning corona virus. On the basis of obtained powder pattern, we are able to offer you following analyses: The qualitative characterization of substances with X-ray Powder Diffraction is used in many areas, for example during production of chemicals, catalysts, pigments, building materials including quality control. The Pandemic Outline Plan developed for CURRENTA sets out measures to avoid the risk of infection. Annex to DAkkS Accreditation certificate – test methods, ISO 5658, Flammenausbreitung / flame spreadISO 5659, Rauchdichte und Toxizität / smoke density and toxicityISO 5660, Wärmefreisetzung (MARHE) / heat release rate (MAHRE)ISO 9239-1, Bodenbeläge / flooringFahrgastsitze / passenger seatsKabel / CablesNF X 70-100, Rauchgastoxizität / smoke toxicityISO 4589-2, Sauerstoff-Index / oxygen index, F-Klasse (Rauchgas-Index) / F-Class (smoke gas index)I-Klasse / I-Class, ASTM E162: Oberflächenentflammbarkeit von MaterialienASTM E662: Spezifische optische Rauchdichte, Oberflächen-Entflammbarkeit / surface flammabilityRauchdichte Toxizität / smoke-tight toxicity, Kfz-Innenausstattung / materials used in interior construction of motor vehicles, EN 13823, Baustoffprüfung / single burning item, EN 11925-2, Entzündbarkeit / inflammability, Download order formOrder form fire testing, +49 214 / 30, Preventive measures concerning corona virus, ISO 5658, Flammenausbreitung / flame spread, ISO 5659, Rauchdichte und Toxizität / smoke density and toxicity, ISO 5660, Wärmefreisetzung (MARHE) / heat release rate (MAHRE), NF X 70-100, Rauchgastoxizität / smoke toxicity, ISO 4589-2, Sauerstoff-Index / oxygen index, F-Klasse (Rauchgas-Index) / F-Class (smoke gas index), ASTM E162: Oberflächenentflammbarkeit von Materialien, ASTM E662: Spezifische optische Rauchdichte, Oberflächen-Entflammbarkeit / surface flammability, Rauchdichte Toxizität / smoke-tight toxicity. 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