berlin stadtteile


Almost half of its residents are non-native Germans. Das macht ihn gleichzeitig kleiner und größer als jeden Bezirk. A lovely, modern-looking and design-focused 4-star boutique hotel, i31 is firmly in Mitte, close to both an U-Bahn and an S-Bahn station. I 100% want to stay here next time we go to Berlin. Flattened by bombing, it was then separated from Kreuzberg by the Berlin Wall. If you’re coming to Berlin to party in its famed clubs, stay in Friedrichshain. 9.5 / 10 on Click here for more information. Think street art, man buns and beards, and artists, side-by-side with the neighborhood’s longtime residents., Berlins offizielles Touristenticket 1. 8.2 / 10 on Hotel Oderberger – Lux Boutique It has multiple entertainment and dining options on site to go with more than 1100 rooms! Wedding offers shops and services from around the world, and a rough-around-the-edges cool. Budget travelers and those looking for nightlife will likely want to stay in East Kreuzberg. Where to Stay in Berlin: Advice from a local Canadian expat and travel blogger about the best neighborhoods to stay in Berlin, Germany! Jeder Berliner wohnt in seinem und kommt - so das Klischee - auch nie wieder aus ihm heraus. Cultural travelers will love Mitte’s museums, landmarks, and points of interest. We’ve outlined the best places to stay in Berlin in detail below. The design theme is officially art deco, but it definitely looks like they’ve added some twists and personality, as animal prints, natural materials and found objects show-up in the decor. 8.8 / 10 on Wir lieben Berlin und kennen unsere Stadt. mehr, Tempelhof ist den meisten durch den gleichnamigen, mittlerweile stillgelegten Flughafen ein Begriff. Berlin’s public transport system is world-class. Telefonnummer +49 30 25 00 23 33 (zum Ortstarif) Once the Berlin wall fell, Kreuzberg was suddenly dead center of the now unified metropolis. Die Gedächtniskirche am Kurfürstendamm: Sie ist Kirche, Markante Sehenswürdigkeit und zugleich Mahnmal gegen Krieg und Zerstörung. Hotel Q! If you’d like to learn more about how this works, you can read more under our Disclaimer page. Charlottenburg Palace was built for Sophia Charlotte of Hanover, Queen of Prussia. East Kreuzberg (Kreuzberg 61) is edgier, while West Kreuzberg (SO36) is more gentrified. This one appears to be no different: awesome reviews, great location, nice-looking decor. mehr, Erneuerbare Energien in Berlin mit Energieratgeber, Strompreisrechner, aktuellen Nachrichten und Make it as useful and fun as possible for everyone! It’s also close to some of Berlin’s most historic sites. Neukölln is a great neighborhood if you’re just as happy hanging out as you are sightseeing. A stately character home that’s been converted into a boutique hotel (with a beautiful back garden). : 4 Star Relaxation Exposed brick, floor to ceiling windows, balconies, modern design details and a beautiful restaurant. Kreuzberg 61/SW 61 (West Kreuzberg) is a bit more upmarket, while still retaining its cool. Central and well connected, many of Berlin’s top attractions are within easy reach. The western allies claimed West Berlin, and the Soviets claimed East. Hotel Sarotti-Höfe: Boutique Cool in West Kreuzberg/SW61 Friedrichshain’s nightlife happens around Ostbahnhof and Revaler Straße/Simon-Dach-Straße. Tegel Airport is the main international airport serving the city. A working-class and immigrant neighborhood, gentrification is filling Wedding with hipsters and artists. Oder die möblierten Arbeitsräume der DDR-Führungsspitze in einem barocken Schloss in Pankow. Friedrichshain is one of the best places to stay in Berlin for nightlife.

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