3.0, A lap utolsó módosítása: 2016. február 28., 21:48. : Wie mich der Fußball fast das Leben kostete, Digital Transformation / Digital Disruption, Answers and strategies for all “affected people” who suffer from extreme pressure to perform, stress and exhaustion. Internationalt nåede han at blive indrangeret som kategori 2-dommer. We will be delighted to update you on new speakers, presenters, personalities and keynote speakers in our newsletter. Your personal speaker agency with branches in Zurich (CH), Bad Nauheim (D), Vienna (AT), Atlanta/GA (USA) and Dubai (Middle East)! Today he is a business speaker in the free economy, at management congresses and major events. – Így add tovább! Bestselling authors and innovative Business-Gurus! German referee Babak Rafati, who attempted suicide last week, admits receiving treatment for depression but reveals a desire to return to refereeing. Több válogatott és nemzetközi klubmérkőzést vezetett. He has accompanied superstars such as Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Lukas Podolski, David Beckham, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Neymar, Manuel Neuer and many other world stars during his long professional career. – day seminar also possible, No links available for this Premium Speaker. Self-determination and personal responsibility, Motivation in the workplace and a good work-life balance, Strong competence through first-class references, For all professional groups as well as entrepreneurs, managers and executives, Duration: By arrangement 30 – 90 min. This act of desperation was the result of the illness depression, triggered by stress, pressure to perform and bullying. This is not only about problems in top-class sports, but rather about a social phenomenon in our everyday professional life. Babak Rafati (persky بابک رفعتی Bábak Ráfatí; * 28. května 1970) je íránsko-německý fotbalový rozhodčí. Babak Rafati, ehemaliger FIFA und Bundesliga-Schiedsrichter #CelebritySpeakersGermany. Babak Rafati – Stress Management – I don’t care about death! – Bavarian Broadcasting Corporation. 630 Followers, 65 Following, 370 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Babak Rafati (@agentur_babak_rafati) Hobbija: a kocogás, börze (árucsere) látogatása. ETH, Founder and Head of W.I.R.E. Boss, job, colleagues or the pressure to perform? Film producers from numerous television stations in Germany and abroad have taken up the revelations of the former FIFA/ Bundesliga referee. In the first part of his lecture, he uses his own history to show the amazing parallels between top-class sport and everyday work and business on the topics of stress and pressure to perform. Premium Speakers presents internationally renowned speakers, trainers, sports personalities, artists and musicians. Második ligás mérkőzéseinek száma: 85. A phenomenon of his lectures: The success rate after the lecture is impressive for the participants. You can find further information on cookies in our, Babak Rafati – Ich pfeife auf den Tod! Design & Development by, We use cookies to optimize and continuously improve our website for you. http://www.weltfussball.de/schiedsrichter_profil/babak-rafati/, https://hu.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Babak_Rafati&oldid=17263898, Fotó nélküli Labdarúgó-játékvezető infoboxot tartalmazó lapok, Forráshivatkozásra váró lapok 2010 augusztusából, Creative Commons Nevezd meg! Very exciting, effective and entertaining, so that one wants to start right away. He is also a mental/motivational coach for professional footballers, managers and public figures. He and his wife, who also helps relatives from their own experience, are in the process of establishing an academy in Dubai for professional footballers and managers in 2021. An encourager! His clients include DAX-listed companies and global players worldwide, so his expertise is increasingly in demand abroad. This corresponds to more than a quarter of all countries in the world. We look forward to sending you news about our Premium Speakers from time to time. Expert in Change Management, Motivation, Leadership & Business Energy. Babak Rafati is the first “prominent top athlete” & “TOP practice expert” to come out in public and provide valuable recommendations on the topics of prevention strategies burnout, pressure to perform and stress/conflict management. The documentary film about Babak Rafati is a great help and a milestone in the removal of taboos about burnout at work. As a listener, you feel immediately picked up. Thank you for signing up! Egyéb foglalkozása: banktisztviselő. Első ligás mérkőzéseinek száma: 60. In the first part of his lecture, he uses his own history to show the amazing parallels between top-class sport and everyday work and business on the topics of … Different Thinking, Innovation & Leadership. Make your event a Premium Event with a personality from the world of politics, sports, business or culture. “Respect! Liga minősítésű bírónak, 2005-től hazája legfelső szintű labdarúgó-bajnokságának bírója. It was the first time in the history of the Bundesliga that a match was cancelled because no referee appeared. The response of the audience at the stress seminars is overwhelming. Babak Rafati (perzsául: .mw-parser-output .arab{direction:rtl;font-family:"Arial Unicode MS",Scheherazade,Code2000,"DejaVu Sans",Lateef,"PakType Naskh Basic",sans-serif}بابک رفعتی, azaz Bábak Rafati; Hannover, 1970. május 28.
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