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For those interested, the full write-up on the OOB Timestamp exploit is available here. Brandon Azad officially releases OOB Timestamp exploit for iOS 13.0-13.3, officially released his new kernel exploit, downgrade (or upgrade) to iOS 13.3 while you still can, gotten one step closer to fixing tweak injection, Unc0ver v4.0.0 adds support for A12(X)-A13 devices on iOS 13.0-13.3, Unc0ver v4.2.0 release adds support for A8X-A11 devices running iOS 13.0-13.3, Jake James rewrites oob_timestamp exploit as Pwn20wnd plans integration with unc0ver, How to use Conversation and Attention modes in Apple’s Translate app on your iPhone, The all-new Apple Maps experience is now available in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, AMC+ is now available with Apple TV Channels for $8.99 per month, Microsoft’s new Surface Laptop Go, starting at $549, is coming October 13, Restoring your iPhone and Apple Watch may fix missing GPS workout data, excess battery drain, Keegan-Michael Key, Fred Armisen, Alan Cumming, and many others cast in upcoming musical comedy for Apple TV+, Easy YouTube upgrades the YouTube app on jailbroken devices with VLC-inspired gestures, Puck brings hibernation mode to jailbroken devices during low battery situations, Colorize 3D Touch and Haptic Touch menus on the Home Screen with Koi, CClock adds a date and time module to Control Center on pwned iPhones, Legizmo lets iOS 13 jailbreakers install watchOS 7 on their Apple Watch, How to use the Memoji app on Apple Watch to make fun characters, Deliveries 9.0 offers a fresh new look, subscriptions, and a bevy of new features, AnyFix fixes 100+ system problems to ensure a smooth upgrade to iOS 14 [sponsored], Facebook announces its new Messenger experience on Instagram is now rolling out, All Totallee cases are now 30% off on Amazon [sponsored], Picaso Lab leather sleeves, signed by Woz, go on sale with every cent going to charities, Nomad launches new slim leather bands for Apple Watch, Review: WT2 Plus translation earbuds bring us one step closer to a Babel Fish type experience, iPhone accessories by Totallee are now 30% off, including cases [sponsored], Let’s Talk iOS #363: Both creepy and awesome, Apple snapped up Scout FM which generated smart podcast stations covering various topics, Let’s Talk iOS 361: Apple Watch fantasy draft (2020), Let’s Talk iOS 360: Requesting permission to get creepy, Apple iPad Mini 2, 16GB - Space Gray (Refurbished: Wi-Fi Only) for $199, The Complete eLearning Lifetime Membership Bundle for $99. Notably, Pwn20wnd plans to prioritize A12(X)-A13 device support since older handsets are already jailbreakable on iOS 13 by way of checkra1n. Discuss in the comments. goat - limited fan box . It didn’t take long after that for unc0ver jailbreak lead developer Pwn20wnd to add that unc0ver would likely receive an update incorporating the new exploit. 2020 © - This website is not affiliated with Apple. Log In Earlier today, Pwn20wnd announced that he had gotten one step closer to fixing tweak injection with his PAC-less implementation on iOS 13. goat - trainingsjacke (s-xxl) goat - tasche . ich prÄsentierte euch mit voller freude die inhalte der der goat box . Based on tidbits shared by Pwn20wnd in the past couple of days, it seems  that the exploit’s scope could be augmentable to support A12(X)-A13 devices running any firmware between iOS 13.0-13.3. Those jailbroken on iOS 12, however, are advised to stay where they are. It could be some time before Pwn20wnd makes noteworthy progress in implementing this new exploit into unc0ver since the jailbreak has never supported iOS 13 before. Brandon Azad officially releases OOB Timestamp exploit for iOS 13.0-13.3 Anthony Bouchard on February 7, 2020 19 comments Several days ago, hacker and iOS security researcher Brandon Azad took the jailbreak community by storm when he said he would soon be releasing a new kernel exploit proof-of-concept targeting the iPhone 11 on iOS 13.3. But all that hype aside, Azad officially released his new kernel exploit proof of concept Friday afternoon, and he’s calling it OOB Timestamp: Azad once again references the iPhone 12,3 (iPhone 11) and iOS 13.3 in his Tweet, designating that it achieves tfp0 (read/write in kernel memory) on this particular firmware and hardware combination.

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