This combined with the lyrics make it very very easily to interpret as a song about a persons struggle with anorexia. Though many have their own interpretations of song, a…. Though many have their own interpretations of song, a notable example is the theory that it’s about anorexia. Though it might not “actually” be about anorexia it is a popular enough interpretation by fans to be worth mentioning. The lyric before this one is “playing (faking/being) this god(ly) it can’t be good for”, so if “Ana’s safety” is the lyric after, it only makes sense that it would be “playing this god it cant be good for Ana’s safety”. The poem repeats the line “Oh, Anna Why Didn’t You Appear”, obviously including the title of the song. It’s not “Ana save me”, it’s “Ana’s safety”. but yea i don’t think the phrase “hell no” is present in the song. actually, according to somebody on youtube, the lyric-writer says that they just threw a few random lines together…, Hold my head under that bath and breathe away, Hop up on a cloud and watch the world decay, This song has been “confirmed” to have no meaning, as it was apparently just a bunch of random lyrics put together* . Nie wieder Ketchup + Backpulver... | TikTok Lifehacks mit Crispy Rob … “Ana” is also well-known slang for anorexia. This song has been “confirmed” to have no meaning, as it was apparently just a bunch of random lyrics put together* . Oh Ana Lyrics: I'll be god / I'll be god / I'll be god / I'll be god today / Hold my head under that bath and breathe away / Slit my wrists and watch that blood evaporate / Being this godly can't Mother Mother also has made other songs about anorexia (I Go Hungry) so I don’t think it’s a stretch and I think people shooting down other’s interpretations of it being about anorexia is kinda dumb considering everything else. Meaning that the victim of their anorexia (Ana) is trying to overcome their disorder/trying to take back control of their life. *- I am unable to find a source for this, but there has been no confirmation that the song is about anorexia either, I will update with a source if one is found. even if this song isnt about anorexia, if it has no other obvious meaning and that’s how someone interprets it, it’s not necessarily wrong to say so. :p i can’t edit my comment. 72.8k Followers, 176 Following, 278 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Anastasija Lukic (@anaxstasija) But they use self-destructive methods, because they believe that destroying themself will ultimately help to get rid of ‘Ana’, even though deep down they know that it’s almost impossible to overcome their anorexia entirely. If i’m not mistaken, there is no “Hello no,” in the lines “Hell no, I couldn’t kill (Ana, This song may be a reference to a poem written by the BTK killer to a would-be victim, Anna Williams, who wasn’t at home when he broke in.
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